Master the Art of Interior Redisign

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on new furniture, accessories and artwork to redecorate your home. In fact, there’s a way to give every room in your house a fresh new look by using the stuff you already have, and spending little to no money.

Interior redesign.

Interior redesign means using the things you already have in your home to create a more polished, pulled together look.

It’s easy to master the art of interior redesign. You just have to learn to look at your home and possessions in a new way.

Interior Redesign Tip #1: Don’t Try To Redesign Your Entire House at One Time

Taking on too many redecorating projects at once can be overwhelming. Instead, redesign your home one room at a time. Once you’ve finished one room to your satisfaction, move on to the next.

Interior Redesign Tip #2: Study Magazines for Interior Redesign Tips

You don’t have to try to duplicate a room you see in a magazine exactly. Instead, use it as inspiration for your redesign. Is the example room similar to yours in size or layout? Then try arranging your furniture in a similar way. Do you like the way the accessories are arranged in the example room? Then try to place your own accessories in similar arrangements.

Interior Redesign Tip #3: Do an Inventory of What You Already Have

The backbone of interior redesign is using things you already have to create a great new look. So, what do you have? Think of everything you have in each room, and how they might look better in another room. (Maybe the lamps in the guest room would look better in the living room.) And don’t forget the items you have stashed in the garage, attic, or basement.

Interior Redesign Tip #4: Give Everything a Try

Did someone give you a rug that you’ve never even rolled out? Well, pull it out and see how it looks. You might be surprised by how good that rug looks in your living room or bedroom. But you’ll never know if you don’t even try it out.

Interior Redesign Tip #5: Move Your Furniture Around

The next time you rearrange your furniture, don’t just try one or two different arrangements. Try out every arrangement you can think of. (Which might require some extra help.) Try different placements, different groupings. Try things you’ve never considered before. The right furniture arrangement can work wonders on a room, making it look bigger or cozier, more sophisticated or more formal.

Interior Redesign Tip #6: A Gallon of Paint Can Work Wonders

Depending on what you already have, you might not have to spend any money during a redesign. However, splurging on a gallon of paint can make a huge and instant difference in any room. Just be sure you choose a color that compliments the furniture.

If you don’t want to paint the entire room, painting one wall will create an impact and give the room a focal point.

You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars to redecorate a room. Master the art of interior redesign, and you can give any room a fresh new look without spending a penny.

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