Mattress Buying Advice for Couples

He might like if hard. She may like it soft. On occasion you might agree. If buying a mattress for one person is hard, then buying a mattress for two is very hard. Use these tips to prepare for your matrress purchase.

Discuss your needs. Each person must discuss and explain what they need in a mattress based on past experiences. Was the previous bed too hard? Was it too soft? Did you ever have a perfect nights sleep, and what bed were you sleeping on. This will help you determine what each others needs.

Look at all the options. Before you purchase a mattress together, find out what your options are. Since your last bedding purchase, there may be numerous new styles and improvements in the industry that you may not be aware of.

Determine your budget. There is nothing more aggravating than making a buying decision, only to realize that you cannot afford it. Before you buy, you need to determine how much you can spend. This will help you know which mattresses you can purchase.

Compromise or agree. You must decide if you are going to purchase a mattress that is closer to one spouse’s needs or the other. If one person needs a firm mattress, will the other person suffer of purchase an extra pad for their side of the bed? Will you purchase a bed where the sides can be adjusted for softness? Will the person who needs a firmer side put a board under the bed. With this decision made, you can discuss these issues easier with your salespersons.

Try them out. It is common knowledge that you should go mattress shopping prepared to take a nap. But, is 10 or even 15 minutes long enough to determining if a mattress is right for you? Consider testing out your prospective mattress overnight. If you are considering a Tempurpedic mattress, then book a night at a hotel that uses them. Find a hotel that uses a Select Comfort bed. Look at the label on any mattress that you enjoy, or hate that you have slept on, and take note.

Comparison shop. Check the internet and the local paper for the best prices in mattress sets. If you prefer a store that does not have the best sale, then take the sales flyer with the same bed with you. The sales person will very likely match your best price. This is not always easy with bedding since each distributor often re-labels the bedding, but just having sales information with you will strengthen your bargaining power.

Following, is a list of the best mattresses you can buy. They are listed by price range.

Bedding Sets under $700.00

If you are looking for a good discount mattress, go to IKEA. For the SULTAN HUSTAD mattress set you will need 2-1/2 peice mattresses totaling $460.00, to make up a King Sized Bed. It is made up of Bonnell springs that absorb shocks, plus a foam layer to provide comfort and support. This bed is pretty firm, but IKEA offers a wide array of optional mattress pads to make the bed softer if needed.

Sealy Beddington LX Firm II King Mattress Collection
At around $500.00 you can choose a classic or low profile foundation to go with this mattress. This foam mattress will provide years of comfort and a very reasonable price. This set is purchased by the individual item at Sears

Dream Mattress Memory Pedic 8.5 Cal King Mattress
This mattress has high-density blue Vitality Foam which has a pressure reducing component, teamed with an ultra cell phone that allows air flow, and an ultra cell high resiliency foam base. This mattress is less than $600.00 (king size) for a memory foam mattress with air flow that keeps you cool.

3 Series Bronze Sleep Better Set
This affordable version of original sleep number bed will allow you to customize the bed for each person at an amazing price.($699 for a king size) There is an optional eight inch foundation available.

Bedding sets $700- $1200

Bassett Halsbrook II Firm Mattress
If you like a firm bed at a reasonable price, The Bassett Halsbrook II Firm Mattress is great. It is made so you don’t have to flip or rotate the mattress and carries a 5 year warranty. The king sized bed is $700.00.

Bassett Point Harbor II Plush Mattress
If she likes it soft, but he likes it hard, this mattress is a good compromise. It is durable, does not require flipping, and has a 5 year warranty. The price for a king sized mattress is $849.00

4 Series Silver Air Mattress
The King sized 4-series silver air mattress is a great alternative to the Sleep number bed at the same level (sc4000). This introductory level air chamber bed costs $1099 for a king without the optional foundation. If you and your spouse cannot compromise on mattress firmness, I recommend this very affordable option.

Bassett Crossing Way II Ultra Plush Pillow Top Mattress
The main distinction of this mattress is for having 3 inches of “super soft” foam. They add just the right amount of softness to compliment the high profile coil system. For a budget of $1000.00, this mattress set is a good buy and is warrantied for 10 years of manufactured defects.

Bedding Sets $1200 and up

Sleep Number bed model 3000-9000
You can purchase any model of the original sleep number bed from 3000 (the first of its kind) to model number 90OO. You can adjust to suit the comfort level of each person for $1750 to $3200. At this price range, I love most of the choices, but these choices are brand names you can trust with the latest technology and most luxurious feel.

Sealy Posturpedic Amethyst SE Ultra Plush Euro Boxtop Collection
This set that offers a choice of box spring is about as luxurious as you can get. Plus the Sealy name carries an impressive warranty. Get the best of both worlds with this mattress that combines a solid foundation, foam that contours to your body, a cool quilted layer and fire protection. King sized mattress and box spring are approximately $4500.00

Comfort Serta Perfect Day Peacful Haven Mega Ultra Cushion Top Mattress
If you are willing to pay $6000 for a mattress set, consider this bed. It has a coil support system with five zones for comfort. It also has a gel fiber quilt, and several various layers including the air suspension Kool Comfort layer, and fire blocker. This bed is for people who like it really soft.

*Authors note: I really like the Sleep Number and Tempurpedic beds, but I think the technologies may still need a little work. I believe the best beds available right now combine a standard mattress with the qualities of a Tempurpedic. Sealy bedding is also working on a Sleep Number/ standard mattess combination. I personally am trying to hold out for that one.

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