Maximize Your Hair Growth Potential

Whether you’re trying to add a few inches or regrow your hair after an illness, the whole process can be frustrating and filled with many anxious moments that make you wonder why you’re even bothering. It’s perfectly normal to get frustrated with how long it takes to regrow hair.

Hair growth is a slow process, no doubt about it. Normally, your locks will drop about 1/2″ per month – so if you’re looking in the mirror everyday, hoping to see progress, you’re not likely to see it. Seriously, our genetic make-up has programmed almost all of us (with a few very rare exceptions) to hair growth that’s about a max of 6 inches per year.

Another thought before we move on to the how-to bit of this article: Hair is dead protein. Once it has made itself visible to the world, hair cannot renew itself. It is the hair inside your scalp, unsurfaced, that grows length. In other words, by the time that your hair has reached the length of your shoulders, the lower portion of the hair you see is about 2 years old. No matter how well you take care of it, your hair goes through an aging process the same way a piece of fine fabric does after years of constant handling and this will affect the growth of your hair.

So … how to lessen the frustration? Make sure that you’re keeping your style updated with each phase of the growth process, and you’ll find that the progress is much more enjoyable. There are a few things to do depending on why you’re growing your hair, so let’s look at them individually.

Adding Length to Your Hair

Growing up, our household had a rule: no short cuts till we reached 13. At that age, I ruthlessly chopped my locks up to my ears. Yeah, youth. It took another five years to regrow the red curls back down past my shoulders, and then another three to reach my waist. So then what did I do? I turned around and chopped it off again. Don’t ask, I’m still wondering why.

If you already have lengthy locks – say shoulder length or beyond – you fall into the category of people who will “see” the least growth. Because our hair grows so slowly, once you already have a good amount of length on your hair, you’ll notice the progress less easily. Don’t give into frustration or the myth that cutting your hair encourages growth – it really doesn’t. It’s simply that when your hair is shorter, it’s easier to measure the growth of it.

Make sure that you visit the salon regularly during this type of hair growth. You’ll want to get your ends trimmed regularly, and avoid damaginc chemicals like perms and hair coloring. Because your hair is long, it is also old. You need to treat it properly, caring for it the way you would a piece of fine old silk. Treat it carefully, avoiding unnessecary brushing and handling. Protect it from sun damage by using a UV protectant.

Once your hair is past your shoulders, you have several years’ worth of hair growth behind you. As long as you care for the hair you’ve got, you’ll notice that it creeps down your back a bit more surely.

Recovering from a Bad Hair Cut

Oh boy don’t we all have some salon horror stories? I remember sitting at my mother’s regular salon, watching her get her long brown locks trimmed. She went in about twice a year, and always visited the same stylist – it was nice. On the last visit she ever made there, though, the stylist … well, I’m not sure whether she wasn’t in a great mood or if she was just too busy talking, but I remember watching her zig-zag her way up the length of my mother’s hair until it was about seven full inches shorter than what she’d come in with. Some trim, for sure.

Whether your trim went awry or the style you asked for ended up a couple inches shorter than what you’d asked for, we’ve all had an “interesting” experience at the salon. What many of us (myself included) don’t realize until it’s pointed out by a professional is that if you don’t get the style you wanted, the cut you have is probably done poorly in the first place. Many stylists offer to “re-do” a haircut that you’re not satisfied with at no cost. Tempting though this may be, go elsewhere – a true pro will always give you what you’re looking for.

A little shell-shocked after the treatment of your precious locks? You might not want to have your hair cut again, but the first thing you need to do is just that – go to a new stylist after getting a few referrals, and have it styled properly. You need to get a hairstyle that you can work with. It needs to be evenly cut and ready to regrow your hair properly. If you find a good stylist, they will be able to help you decide what process of cuts should be made as your hair grows into the style you want to have eventually. This way, you don’t get frustrated while the hair is growing, because you’re stylish in the meantime.

While you regrow your hair into the right style, there are some things you can do to ensure it grows well. Eliminate or cut back on smoking cigarettes, and drinking caffeine and carbonated beverages. These three things will weaken your body and block hair growth potential. Think about it – if your body is working overtime on keeping itself healthy, it has very little to give to something as non-essential as your hair. On the same lines, eat a healthy diet that gives your body all the nutrients it needs. This means avoiding foods that are high in sugar and fat; again, these things make your body work harder, and will result in less being given to your hair growth.

Post-Illness Hair Growth

The trauma of chemotherapy and other illnesses that can cause you to lose your hair is not something easy to explain. You want to regrow your hair quickly, for that feeling of normalcy. The bad news is that even though your hair will start growing within days of stopping treatments, the process can be drawn out because of the needs your body has.

This type of hair growth will require many visits to the salon. You need to work with a stylist who can recommend short, layered cuts that are easy for you to style and will make your recovering hair appear thicker. Good stylists can also work with you on determining how your hair texture has changed, which is very common, and help you decide what kind of style you might like to grow into based on the type of hair you now have. It will take some time for your hair to recover, thicken, and fill in before you can start to regrow your hair normally.

The good news is that the things you do to your regrowing hair now can greatly impact the beauty of your hair in ways that those with already-long-locks will never be able to achieve. You have a clean slate, a fresh start, and can truly make the most of it. Avoid using hot water and heated blow dryers as these will add stress to your hair. Regularly visit the salon to have at least a trim, eliminating split ends and allowing your hair to look and feel healthier. While you’re at the salon, ask about beginning a series of hot oil treatments to protect the shaft of your hair.

Another thing that you can and should do is get plenty of rest and sleep. Not only will this help your body recover from illness, but it gives time for your hair to grow. Stress can actually cause hair loss, which is the last thing you’re going to want right now. Once your hair has filled in and your stylist gives the go ahead, you can proceed just like everyone else to promote the growth of your hair. In the meantime, choose hairstyles that are both trendy and will let you achieve length without causing a headache.

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