McDonald’s Vintage T-Shirts: Where to Find These Popular Tees

They’ve also enlisted the help of a some major celebrities and popular fashion magazines to create a buzz around the new vintage t-shirts. The t-shirts have been spotted on many celebrities, including Jamie Lynn-Sigler and featured in popular magazines such as In Touch and Ellegirl.
The popular vintage t-shirts feature McDonald’s characters such as Ronald McDonald, The Hamburglar and Grimace along with retro ad slogans. Here’s a rundown of where you can find these popular vintage t-shirts:
Intuition, an LA store popular with celebrities, is one place where you can find these vintage t-shirts. Don’t live in LA? No problem, because they also sell them online at A quick look at their website shows that the price of the t-shirts has gone down to $28.99 (from the original price of $56.00).
The McDonald’s vintage t-shirts at Intuition are available with either the Choosey Cheese slogan, which comes in a soft yellow or the McDonald Cookies slogan, which comes in a cool red. There is also a black Big Mac Attack t-shirt that appears to be sold out. According to, each t-shirt arrives in a super cute happy meal box.
Lisa Kline , another popular LA boutique, also sells the McDonald’s vintage t-shirts. Her online store can be found at Lisa Kline also carries three designs of the vintage t-shirts. The white McDonald’s Good Morning t-shirt (currently sold out), a McDonald’s Mac Attack t-shirt in Americana Blue and a red McDonald Land Cookies t-shirt. All the McDonald’s vintage t-shirts at Lisa Kline sell for $52.
Need more options on where to shop? Totally T-shirts, a popular t-shirt blog, reports that the McDonalds’s vintage t-shirts have also been spotted for sale at Pac Sun and online at Then there’s always the old-standby, eBay. The selection will vary depending on the sellers, but it’s worth a look since most of the t-shirts sell for a fraction of what they would cost at a retail store. To see what’s available now, go online to and search for “McDonald’s vintage t-shirts”.
Happy Shopping!