

Shy and shiny stronger then a fear
Careful, be away, “don’t bother”
Your hearth too is maybe of water
Dream, listen, and live with Shakira

Stage is roof for message to a people
“Please don’t bother, I won’t die”
Shakira is brave, and Shakira is shy
Her song will touch you, deeper and deeper

Look in a TV screen and look good my dear
In first role acts and wins Shakira
Listen to music and try to be a hero

Then for Shakira you will not be “zero”
Then she will from stage see ya
Yes, she is the star, she is Shakira�

Shakira II

Music everywhere, but so few real stars
One shiny star can really last forever
With smile under her voice like glass
Anonymous poet is for her a stranger

She says: “I’m really cat, you see!”
You must be another cat, a lion
If you want to be in her diary
Or maybe part of her medallion

On her neck, like secret loving knee
Yes, “I’m really cat, you seeâÂ?¦”
And her face is round like loving planet

Your face and body must be so garnet
If you want just one kiss from her hand
Nice and cute, with one moment love sent�

Shakira III

You can hear: “Whenever, wherever!”
Her song is very good to hear
But to see and to touch Shakira
Man must be much smart and braver

“Whenever, wherever”, please be clever
Only one chance if you’re careful
Will shine in life if you dare cool
“Whenever, wherever”, maybe just in Heaven

Meet and talk now with Shakira
If you’re her fan she will so brilliant
Sing and listen “Whenever, wherever”

Your soul will be near to devil
But your hearth will love Shakira
When she whisper “Hey, my dear”!


Medias give bright lighting corona
For growing people only heroes are good
Italian woman in a cowboy boot
Welcome, today we present Madonna!

She love a man and no other woman
Superstar is jealous on all the other beauty
She is so strong and that is her duty
Die another day, but first be an old human

Years are given and years are taken
For all people upon the wild evil Sun
While you with a song have some fun

She has a years but she’s satisfied
Her days on a stage are long and wild
Madonna like star, Madonna lice Vulcan�

Madonna II

Spider makes moving web on a dance floor
Dictionary serves only for phrases of a song
Men and women are quick dancing along
Every new step is for next, and for many more

Listen to friends and buy a brand new album
On a dance floor there are so many confessions
More than fast sights and fast and faster question
In air in a discotheque is so lot of a perfume

Madonna sings: “Time goes back, so slowly”
Friend of a future kisses picture on the wall
With first European snow on end of a fall

Rhythm beats so fast but hearth is so lonely
It’s unhappy but so far from a heavy bore
With Madonna’s “Confessions on a dance floor”.


Sound like music, music like Gwen
Gwen like angel, Gwen like queen
Gwen like music fan good friend
Gwen like storm, so strong and mean

Angel and love, baby and music
Gwen for fans all over the World
Gwen Stefani for film like Qubick’s
Gwen like star with all CDs sold

Gwen Stefany for X, mix and remix
Music CD’s are on every corner
Gwen’s CD like Canadian “Informer”

Her dear babies will be musical angels
And her biggest fans frontiers and rangers
Gwen like Iggy Pop, Gwen like Hendrix�

Dr Lector

Days in blue color of a rainbow
She is something like Dr Lector
She acts, she writes, she’s director
With one smile she flies and grow

That woman is a friend and a shrink
On wings of a science flies her body
She always has to lead and hold it
Like such thing, Dr Lector king

Of liberation and life with promise
Or queen which always chronics
New things in silver brain of poet

Man with brain and feels like a prophet
One new day will be one new meet
With little bit of a planet under feet�


On windows of mankind boring rain
Talks with fingers of living duty
On web pages dies all of a beauty
Internet connected directly to a brain

Kids of a future will become teenagers
And teenagers will know about Karl Marx
Teenage mummies are taking for a cab
Then old people rebel like a strangers

Internet connected directly to a brain
Every man is upset, angry or insane
With web pages absolutely calm

Internet can and can’t wound and harm
There is always somebody for claim
With Internet connected to a brain�

Teenage Dreams

New arrival of a brand new star
Fans will be pleased and satisfied
With beat of your hearth you’re on a site
Under eighteen there is not whisky on a bar

There is such much noise from the olds
What can they know about hip-hop and rocks?
They do not know anything they are folks
Stars are not from helium, star are all from gold’s

Gold memories, gold chains and dreams
And stars only makes gold, how it seems
From January to December concerts arrive

Madness can back fifteen again to five
Clubs are elegant, modern and colorful
So act as a teenager, don’t be a fool!


Night is full of dangerous treasures
Buy a box of cigarettes and drop it now
You’re only sixteen, don’t be clown
Go to some simple place, there is pleasure

Night is fast and full of fast brand new cars
Your age is on some other place in city
You even not remember who was Whitney
Why are you so nervous, why you need cigars?

Go from a corner of dark lousy street
Some nice Cinderella needs some better feet
Go away from here and drop your cigars

Some of us here will be behind bars
Till next morning and Sun upon a street
Star which you want here can’t be meetâÂ?¦

New Dance

Just now begins a new dance
Sorrow is past, shine and smile
For this woman there’s no defense
Act like a star while playing guitar

In hands of lovers are each other
Club is place for fast move of soul
A barman gives a fresh new order
Head of “Argentina” is near to a floor

She acts and smiles like ballerina
While tango comes from a band
She acts and smiles, but doesn’t pretend

Her voice is silent, and her hearth wild
With her lover she lovely acts tonight
Acts and loves a thousand times�

Sinful Son

Return to home you sinful son
Brown eyes aren’t good any more
Man is sinful, and destiny is whore
Everything falls down while you run

Return to your home sinful son
Brake and step on brown glass
Memories die while your step runs
Time has pass for love and fun

Evenings are over and new morning
Waits while you’re not more loving
Morning at home waits and steps

That’s some new morning perhaps
Return to home poor sinful son
Maybe that’s what you really want!

Shakespeare’s Love

Poets of the World are fall in love
Shakespeare loves like soldier in prison
His passion hasn’t woman’s hat or glove
His truly love is some other’s vision

Antigona like real nice theatre’s diva
He touches Sophocles’ text and dream
While crowds talk to her: “Viva, viva!”
Shakespeare feels love how it seem

And that love is in his well books
Love is always love how it looks
Antigona smiles text of Sophocles

While Shakespeare read through monocles
While dreams about princess from past
For choice and love that forever last�

In da Lab

Crises and wars always in news
Indian people on train’s roofs
Western restaurants with Chinese foods
Millions are poor, rich are always fews

Millions in homes, hundreds in cribs
Teenage imagination full of a clubs
Diseases and choleras in molecular labs
In thousands shops money and things

Door of a war are always wide open
With new crisis a war is quickly former
Kids in Africa with rifles on a corner

Every dream and every fear is broken
In da Lab will raise new born planet plague
While lasts an old fashion tank to thank!


December 1918 and King Alexander
In European fields still fresh and cold rows
Ships and crusades of ten million tons
Then next war, space and scafander

Yugoslavia lives and dies million times
Guiltiness and victims will continue to rise
There are bigger states, with bigger size
But Yugoslavia was really just fine

In twenty first century that state is lost
Every child and man is now guest and host
Twenty first century needs no glory, only bone

Yugoslavia is past, Yugoslavia is gone
For next ages will survive only struggle and fight
Without our biggest Balkan state in sight�

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