Medications to Lower Cholesterol

Density lipoproteins (LDL or bad cholesterol): A major cholesterol carrier in the blood. When high level of LDL cholesterol (160 mg/DL (milligrams per deciliter) and higher) circulates in the blood, slowly accumulates (plaque) in the walls of the arteries, blocking or clogging blood circulation in the heart and brain (atherosclerosis). A clot (thrombus) that forms near this plaque, blocking the flow of blood to a part of the heart muscle, could cause a heart attack. A clot that blocks the flow of blood to the brain causes a stroke (Medical emergency when blood supply to a part of the brain is interrupted or severely reduced, depriving oxygen and nutrients), within a few minutes, brain cells begin to die. This can lead to disabilities or third leading cause of death. Preventing heart disease, maintaining LDL cholesterol below 100 mg/DL.High
Density HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) protects against having a heart attack. Approximately, one-third to one-forth of blood cholesterol carried by HDL. Good cholesterol is carried away from the arteries, (Including removing excessive cholesterol plaque in the arteries), and back to the liver, where it is passed from the body. Having less HDL contributes to developing a stroke or heart attack, in men less 40 mg/DL or less than 50 mg/DL in women. Low HDL levels often attributed to smoking, obesity or lack of exercise. Also, when triglycerides (Type of fat that circulates in the blood and formed in the liver, from fats that are eaten or from the body’s own synthesis of fat. Provides a source of energy) levels are high, attributed to causing low HDL. According to article published in the New England Journal of Medicine Health news, (May 11, 1998), A Danish study found the risk of a first heart attack was twice as high, in those with highest triglyceride levels, compared to those with lowest levels. A low fat, and high carbohydrate diet can increase a person’s triglycerides. However, eating high fiber foods can resolve this problem, and lower LDL cholesterol.The
The American Heart Association suggest, anyone over the age of 20 years old, should have a total cholesterol (Both HDL and LDL levels), check (blood test) by a reputable lab referred by a doctor. Also, recommends limiting daily intake of cholesterol, less than 200 milligrams. According to the association, a third of Americans are borderline high risk, having cholesterol level 200 to 239 and twenty percent of the U.S. population is at high risk, cholesterol levels above 240. Foods having high saturated fats generally contain, substantial amounts of dietary cholesterol. Moderating alcohol drinking (Men: One to two drinks per day. Women: One drink per day) has a lower risk developing heart disease. However, excessive drinking leads to high blood pressure, obesity, stroke, cancer, and other medical problems. Many pharmacies or online websites sell home kits to measure the amount of cholesterol. Medication and weight can have an effect the results.
ower cholesterol (LDL) statin body, and prevent cardio-vascular disease. In 1987, The U.cardio-vascularg Administration approved first statin medication. Common marketed statistatinludes: Lipitor, Lescol, Mevacstatinsvachol and LipitorSoLescoldeMevacorcaPravachol, shoZocorking statins including Liptor, decreases riskstatinsheimer’s diLiptorlater in life. The medication reduces or eliminates, accumulation of plaque in the brain, attributed to Alzheimer’s disease or pathology. The Alzheimer’s Association and most scientific experts cannot recommend taking statins to lower the risk of Alzheimer’sstatins further research can clarify or confirm any benefits between the relationship of statins and dementia. However, lab testsstatinshown statin drugs stimulate cancer in rodentsstatin effects include muscle weakness, known to cause birth defects or malformations, memory loss, insomnia, personality and behavior changes, and gastrointestinal problems.
Merck and Schering-Plough manufproblems.Merck(VytoScheringlets, lowering LDL chInegyerVytorinifty-two percent, starting recommend dose (10/20mg) and 60 percent lowered, taking the maximum dose (10/80mg). The medication provides greater reduction of LDL cholesterol compared to Liptor and Zocor, based upon dosage. TheLiptore ingZocornts are simvastin and ezetimibe. Simvastatin is simvastintatinezetimibeonSimvastatinthe productistatinLDL cholesterol by the liver. Ezetimibe is a cholesterol absorption inEzetimibeprevents cholesterol from being absorbed from the small intestines into the blood stream. The combination of both medications, provides a simplify treatment, instead of taking both of these medications separately reducing or eliminating high cholesterol. The drug manufacture advises taking Inegy tablets in the evening with or witInegyfood. Excessive amounts of alcohol should be avoided and drinking grapefruit juice, may adversely affect taking the medication. Not recommended for anyone having moderate too severe decreased liver function and not recommended for children (No studies have been conducted on the efficacy use in children). Also, Inegy tablets should not be administeredInegyregnant women, during time trying to get pregnant or suspect to be pregnant. The Inegy tables can produce some side effecInegyizziness, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, hair loss, muscle disorder, feeling of weakness, and headache.
Pfizer Pharmaceuticals is develheadache.Pfizerlled Torcetrapib, duriing research studies shTorcetrapibeaduriing-density lipoprotein levels or HDL (good cholestelipoproteinanufactures recommends toretrapid combined with a statin drug (toretrapid Pfizer recommendstatinng Liptor, it’s cholesterol manufactured drLiptorstead of other types of statin drugs). Those patients taking thestatinnation, during research study had a 61 percent increase in HDL cholesterol, and a 46 percent increase of HDL taking only torcetrapib for four weeks. Also, patientorcetrapibtinued taking torcetrapib twice a day experienced a 10torcetrapibncrease in HDL cholesterol level. Pfizer pharmaceuticals will either market Torcetrapib and Liptor together or TorceTorcetrapib stanLiptor pill, based Torcetrapibood and Drug Administration (FDA) future recommendation. Pfizer researchers need to demonstrate to the FDA, Liptor/Torcetrapib can reduce heart diseLiptorsTorcetrapibth drugs together. Otherwise, according to U.S. antitrust laws, forbids the coupling of products, so that one can’t be purchased without buying the other. Torcetrapib late stage trials costing ovTorcetrapiblion, probably the most expensive drug development program in history, during a period of two years. The drug may be available for sale by 2008. Timothy Anderson, an analyst at Prudential Equity Group, expects in 2010, liptor-Torcetrapid sales of $3.3 billionliptor
Torcetrapidreport in the American Journal of Medicine Genetics, published in September 2006, low cholesterol level may be attributed to the development or cause of autistic disorder in children born with autism. Researchers suspect a specific mutated gene is the culprit, which has not yet been isolated. Nineteen of 100 children tested, had total cholesterol levels below 100 milligrams per decaliter, in the lower fifth level fordecaliter older than two years of age.