Medicinal Herbal Roots

For thousands of years people have known that herbs can work and some of them work better than over the counter drugs if used and prepared properly. Here is a guide to roots that are used as herbal medicinal remedies.
Ginger (Zingiber officinalis)
Ginger is a very important root that has been used for over 2,000 years for medicine as well as used in cooking. Ginger is wonderful for warming and perfect for colds and chills and as a circulatory stimulant. Ginger has been proven to reduce nausea and morning sickness. This root has the ability to calm the digestive system and eliminate gas and indigestion. Ginger can be taken alone or added to another root for extra enhancement. Ginger can also be added to meat in order to detoxify it. The root and the essential oil of ginger should be used for treatment.
Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus)
Yellow Dock a.k.a. broad leaved or curly dock works as a cleanser for skin conditions such as: psoriasis, herpes, various eruptions, eczema and acne and can also be used for symptoms of iron deficiency in the blood. This root has proven to treat most inflammatory liver and gallbladder disorders as well as gastrointestinal diseases. Arthritis and rheumatism can also be treated with yellow dock. Yellow dock can be used as a laxative or a digestive stimulant; however, excessive use of the root can cause diarrhea.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng)
For at least 5,000 years, the Chinese have used the ginseng plant (Ren Shen) as an energy tonic. Ginseng has been very popular amongst the elderly Chinese for centuries and the West has adopted this energizing plant since the days of Marco Polo. Ginseng can also be used as a lung remedy and for the treatment of chronic chest conditions. Ginseng has been considered the king of all tonics because it provides a stimulant throughout the entire body to overcome stress and fatigue and also to overcome weakness and deficiencies. Ginseng helps the heart and has been used to regulate blood circulation. It has the ability to nourish the blood and is used to treat anemia. Women who suffer from deficiencies and lack of hormonal balance should consider using ginseng. People should avoid high doses of the plant or prolonged use during pregnancy. If people take ginseng regularly it is best to take intervals or breaks from the root every couple of months while also limiting the use of other stimulants or caffeine.
Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Goldenseal has been one of the most popular herbal remedies amongst the Native Americans and has become a favorite with 19th century herbalists in the West and Europe. Pioneers would chew the roots whenever they had sore mouths and stomach aches. Goldenseal works as an excellent anti-phlegm remedy and liver stimulant. It has proven to be effective for many digestive, respiratory and menstrual problems and can also treat some skin conditions. Goldenseal can also be used to treat dyspepsia and acid indigestion, gastritis, colitis, duodenal ulcers, menorrhagia and as a regular tonic for the female reproductive tract, leucorrhoea and penile discharge, eczema and other skin disorders. Women who are pregnant should avoid this root because it may cause high blood pressure.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)
Licorice has been used in medicine for over 2,500 years throughout the world. The Chinese call licorice the “grandfather of all herbs” and they use it in many prescriptions in order to balance out the other ingredients. Licorice works as a soother for digestive problems and is helpful for diarrhea and gastric ulceration. This root also works as an expectorant and for treating coughs associated with bronchitis and asthma. Licorice can also support the production of hormones such as hydrocortisone, and anti-inflammatory. If you have high blood pressure or heart disease than you should avoid high doses of licorice. People on digoxin-based drugs should not use licorice.
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococus senticosus)
This type of ginseng should be used for people who are suffering from stress problems. This is a wonderful herbal root to take before an exam or other busy times. Siberian ginseng can also be used as a remedy for nervous exhaustion and lack of energy. This works as a wonderful booster and has been widely used since the 1930’s in order to deal with the pressures of the early 20th century.
Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)
Many Native American tribes used black cohosh as a treatment for rheumatism, exhaustion, kidney problems, and gynecological disorders. This buttercup relative has cream flower spikes and a distinctive black root. Muscle pains and cramps can be treated with this muscle relaxer, as well as spasmodic conditions and menstrual cramps. People should not exceed the stated dose and should be avoided by pregnant women.
Burdock (Arctium lappa)
Burdock is a wonderful cleansing herb that works for arthritis and skin conditions. This spiky plant has also been used as a digestive stimulant as well as a laxative. The root of the burdock is mostly used however the leaves work as a gentler treatment. The Chinese have used the plant’s seeds as a remedy for feverish colds. People should be cautions of the growing plant because it may cause contact dermatitis.
Huang Qi/ Astragalus (Astragalus membranaceus)
The Chinese, as an energy tonic has used this root for thousands of years. “Milk Vetch” the name in English has been used as an immune-stimulating property. The Chinese have used the plant in order to treat immune deficiencies for people with repeated colds and allergy symptoms.
Dang Gui/ Chinese Angelica (Angelica sinensis)
This tonic herb has been used by the Chinese for years and is suitable for women who are trying to recover after childbirth. This root also helps to fortify blood in anemic conditions as well as beautify the skin. Dang Gui works wonders on the female productive organs as well as for the treatment of liver problems. This root should be avoided during pregnancy.
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis)
The Romans used this beautiful pink flowered plant as a delicacy along with the roots that were saut�©ed with onions and butter. However, besides the delicious functions, this plant has a medicinal purpose too. Marshmallow works amazingly well for soothing respiratory and digestive ailments because of it soft and silky nature. Marshmallow has been used as an expectorant for chest coughs and even bronchitis. This beautiful pink herb is very soothing for inflamed mucous membranes in the digestive and urinary systems. The parts of this plant that should be used include: the leaves, root, and flowers.
Echinacea (Echinacea angustifolia)
Who could ever forget the tremendous Echinacea phenomenon? “Purple coneflower” was once the name of this beautiful pink flowered plant. Native Americans used Echinacea for treatment of snakebites, fevers and wounds. Early settlers also found uses for the plant and today it is used as an immune stimulant and antibacterial. Echinacea is excellent for treating viral, bacterial or fungal infections and is often the first choice for treating colds, flu, and kidney infections. Echinacea has also been helpful in viral based arthritis and can be applied to skin externally for certain conditions. The root of this plant should be used.
Dandelion (Taraxacum offinale)
Who can ignore this yellow flowered weed that pops up every spring throughout the land? “Piddley bed” (country name of dandelion) has been used medicinally in Europe since the 15th century. The leaves of the dandelion plants are rich in potassium and are a more potent diuretic than the root. They also taste great on salads. Dandelion makes a great liver tonic and is useful in treating many digestive problems. The skin and arthritic problems can also be treated with this plant. The leaves and the root should be used for treatment.
I hope that God Willing this will be very useful for you. Please try all herbs at your own