Meeting LDS Singles Online

When it comes to dating fellow members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) – Mormons – it can get tough when you live outside of Utah. Well, sometimes you even need help inside Utah. Luckily, thanks to the religion’s focus on family life and marriage (for both genders, and only one spouse, thank you very much), there is a plethora of sites out there offering a way for LDS singles to match up. This can be a very comforting service to have on hand, as it frees LDS singles looking for an eternal companion from having to rely on relatives, or worse: singles wards, to find people to date.

LDS Promise ( offers a compatibility test that seems e-Harmony-esque, with a ton of questions and “21 dimensions of compatibility.” Additionally, there is a marriage learning course offered at this site, which is designed to help you learn relationship skills. The monthly rate is a bit pricey ($24.95), but you get a whole month to test-drive it for free before you have to start paying. If you’re lucky, maybe you’ll find someone before the month is up.

LDS Singles ( gives you a choice between choosing a free basic membership and a paid premium membership. This site also offers a personality profile, and there is a way to search for local events (where you can meet people in person, in a safe environment). On the advanced level, you can do audio/visual chat and send instant messages, which many people enjoy. Also, links to travel opportunities (special discounts offered to LDS Singles users) and helpful articles are also available at this site.

Hot Saints ( is an interesting site more in the social networking vein. It is more for the “fun” LDS crowd, and sponsors fun events like “Conference Dance” where 3,000 people or more show up at a location in Salt Lake City during the church’s conference weekend to mingle and meet singles from around the country and the world. Features the “friendly witness” program. You have friends vouch for you and answer questions about you.

Many LDS singles find it helpful to be able to search out people with similar beliefs and values. Christian dating sites, including sites specifically for members of the LDS faith, are continually growing in an already-robust online dating group of communities. This makes it easier for many singles to avoid the bar scene and look for relationships that go beyond a single date.

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