Mega Volume Root Lifting Spray by Mark

Many people have thinning hair and there are tons of products on the market to help them regrow hair, make hair healthier, make it look fuller, or just dye the scalp so hair won’t look as thin. Some of these products are ridiculous, others seem to work okay, but Mark Mega Volume is not one of the most impressive products on the market for thinning hair.

Mark is a sister company to the world-famous Avon Corporation, but this product, I’m afraid, won’t be one of their best sellers. The hair volumizer comes in a spray bottle that is mean to be applied to the roots to raise and stiffen them, giving the hair overall more volume.

Upon using the Mark Mega Volume I was so disappointed. With my Native American heritage I, naturally, have long straight hair with no curls or volume. I was very excited to learn of the product which came recommended by a friend who works for the company.

To use the spray you simply run your fingers through your hair, from scalp to a few inches up, then aim the spray towards the roots. After wetting the roots you’re instructed to “scrunch” the damp hair, here and there, until it’s dry.

Immediately after applying the Mega Volume, I realized I had made a mistake. My hair now looked oily and unclean, but was definitely stiffer at the roots. I kept thinking the oily look would leave after the product dried longer, but it was well dry and still looked very wet and oily.

The product advises that the user should style their hair as they normally would but my normal style is to run a brush through it and go. I brushed my hair but it didn’t faze the look of oily, dirty hair. Since I was in a hurry, I ended up going out of the house with my hair looking like this. I slapped a headband on my head but I was very self-conscious about the way my hair looked the entire time I was gone. Luckily, I didn’t try the product just before a dinner engagement or another special event.

I don’t recommend Mark Hair Volumizer for women with straight, thin hair like myself. I think hair spray would work just as well, cost less, and leave a cleaner overall look to the scalp and hair. But, I’ve never had much luck with hair spray, either, so I guessed I’m just doomed to have thin, straight hair. As for Mark Hair Volumizer, sorry, Avon, you don’t have a hit on your hands.

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