Mel Gibson: The Passion of the Anti-Semite

In the odd chance that you don’t follow idiotic celebrity news like this (and trust me there’s nothing wrong with you if you don’t), let me fill you in. According to the contagiously useless website, Gibson went off on a vicious, anti-Semitic rant while being arrested for a DUI near his Malibu home. Though, none of this can be confirmed, it’s been alleged that the police have a recording in which Gibson can be heard saying, “Fuck the JewsâÂ?¦the Jews are responsible for all the wars of the world, fuck the Jews! Are you a Jew?” What makes me think this is probably true is that Mel Gibson has already offered an apology in which he expresses deep regret for the things he might have said (“I said things I don’t believe to be true, despicable things”).
Though there was controversy surrounding “The Passion of the Christ”, I was one of the only people I know who openly loathed the film. I’m not Jewish, nor would I consider myself a socalled “Jew sympathizer”, but I thought the movie was a Jew-hating, snuff film. And that’s analysis straight from the lips of a born Catholic. I’ve never sat through such a piece of crap in all my life and I hope I’ll never have to again. In my opinion, Mel Gibson was already an admitted anti-Semite way before he exclaimed, “Fuck the Jews!”
What confounds this story, however, is a new claim that speculates members of the police department altered the official report to save Gibson from the backlash that is just now beginning. As of now, LA County is doing its own investigation into the matter and it isn’t clear if any audio or visual evidence will be made public.
In hindsight, that’s stuff’s really beside the point anyway. Mel Gibson has been exposed and it’s been a long time coming. Gibson’s father Hutton Gibson, a devout Catholic, has been quoted as saying that the Holocaust was mostly “fiction”, so it wasn’t like Mel or his ten brothers and sisters were off to the best start in terms of lineage or genes or childrearing. I’m not saying that Mel Gibson is a Nazi but he probably owns at least one swastika-laden armband.
In the end, Mel Gibson is going to get whatever he deserves. In his statement, he admitted to being a lifelong alcoholic and that he’s taking the necessary steps to get help. Good, blame the bottle for hating an entire religious sect. If my memory serves correct, the bottle does not an anti-Semite make.
I am so not going to see ApocolyptoâÂ?¦in the theatres. I’ll get it on Netflix.