Memorable and Unusual Graduation Gifts

How can you make your gift to the graduate memorable? Gifts should always be thoughtful, but graduations represent a special rite of passage and a new beginning. That explains so many traditional graduation gifts:

Watch: Don’t get a knock-off; a good quality watch that is a classic style will last for years and always make the graduate feel special. The card can read: this is the beginning of the rest of your life! or Time to graduate and move ahead!

Pen: By the same token, everyone has a millinon plastic pens, but one special pen – a fountain pen or micro-tip with a beautiful case, and possibly the owner’s name, is another special remembrance that is not likely to be cast aside after a few months. “Don’t forget to write” is the not-so-subtle subtext.

Photo Frame: A silver or engraved frame, or any calssic material, can be a nice memento. Everyone takes photos of graduation; you can include a photo of college days just in case.

Money; This is another tradional gift. If your graduate is truly strapped, this is simple – write acheck. But, if not, how about a savings bond with a wish for future success? Or some shares of a company that would be of interest to the student.

Is your graduate moving to a new city? A guide book to the new location, with accompnaying city amps, would be a great gift for a smooth transition. ‘Enjoy your new start in _____”

Or is your graduate travelling? How about a real piece of luggage or other travel gear, instead of that canvas bag? Or a travel allbum to record thoughts and impressions.

For new apartment dwellers, a classic lamp or a tool kit is a good and lasting gift for “starting out.”

Finally, a book or magazine subscription with your student in mind- Sierra Club? Money Magazine? It will help them to make decisions and stay involved.

And for a truly unusual gift, go to a local art fair. Buy a painting or sculpture and let the artist sign it to the student, with congratulations. That way, you’ll support an artist, too!

Think of the person, their interests , hobbies and future, and you will find a creative solution.

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