Memphis Square Dancers Gather for Fun

These dancers are part of an internationally recognized square dance club called The Cotton Pickin’ Squares. It is a non-traditional square dance club that is a member of the International Association of Gay Square Dance Clubs. The members of the Cotton Pickin’ Squares are of all ages and come from various backgrounds. They are also a very open minded and welcoming group, and delight in having dancers that can feel at home.
So, what is square dancing? Well, first of all, it is a great cardiovascular workout. Each square is made up of eight dancers, men and women. Additionally, there is a caller that is in charge of the squares. The caller for The Cotton Pickin’ Squares is the legendary Todd Harris. There are no dances that the dancers must memorize. Instead the caller will call out basic movements and sequences in order to create the dance. This is also done to music. But don’t worry; it’s not just Country and Western! When done correctly, dancers create a beautiful dance filled with turns, swings, and dosey dos. And don’t worry about making mistakes; even the best dancers forget what they are doing. Luckily The Cotton Pickin’ Squares can laugh at themselves!
Dancing with The Cotton Pickin’ Squares also gives you the opportunity to dance with other square dancers from around the world. Square dance clubs host fly-ins, which give you the opportunity to see new places, dance and meet new people, and have lots and lots of fun. The Cotton Pickin’ Squares also get together on a regular basis for non-square dancing functions. This includes kayaking, traveling, shows, yard sales, and the all time favorite, eating!
The Cotton Pickin’ Squares meet every Thursday at 7pm at Holy Trinity Community Church (685 S. Highland). The church is on Highland, in between Southern and Park, right across from St. Anne Catholic Church. New members are welcome any time. No experience is necessary, and there is no dress code and funny outfits aren’t required. Single dancers and dancers with partners are welcome. You can even choose if you want to dance as a boy or a girl!
The dancers hope to see you soon!
Upcoming Events: Thursday, September 28, 2006 at 7pm, get a Wild Hair and come try square dancing, and help us celebrate national square dancing month. There will be contests for wild and crazy hair. Light refreshments will also be provided. There is no admission fee and you are welcome to bring friends. Hope to see you there.