Men: How to Find the Right Woman

Finding the right woman can be hard, especially if you don’t have her ideal qualities pegged out in advance and knowing what you want is just part of the quest. Keep the faith because the she’s looking for you too! The traits of a good woman are actually a mixture and the combinations will prove to be a win-win situation for the couple that finds each other.

Sense of humor�

What does your ideal woman laugh about? Does she enjoy a good joke, is she able to laugh in the face of disaster or is she a little dry around the edges âÂ?¦ these are things you should consider. If you’re looking for the perfect mate who can laugh about the everyday ups and downs, then if the one your dating got ticked because you spilled your drink on her carpet âÂ?¦ run and head for the hills-she’s not the one!

Believe it or not, a good sense of humor can pull a relationship from the brink of disaster right back to where it should be.

Her values�

A woman’s values say a lot about whom she is, what she believes and her views about relationships. That means that you must have a firm grasp on your own values before you can pair up with your soul mate. Determine your own values and look for that woman who mirrors what’s important to you as well. Our values tend to shine when it comes to controversial topics. Some good topics of conversation to see where your date stands would be the death penalty, abortion, artificial life support, religion, marriage, children and anything that’s really important to you.

Although some differences can be worked out in a relationship but it’s a lot easier if there’s not that many to be worked out in the first place.

Her confidence�

Maybe the woman who walks into a run strutting like she’s on a catwalk in Europe for the upcoming spring collection isn’t your type but a woman who walks with pride, attitude and someone who brings about the sense that she’s happy with herself could be the kicker. One true way to see a woman’s confidence hides in her walk and if a woman with a level of confidence is what you seek, pay attention to the way she carries herself before you even consider approaching her.

Her appearance�

It’s very important to not be superficial and rely only on good looks, not saying that a good woman is necessarily ugly but she may not be that beaming swimwear model you dream about. We all age and those young good looks will not last forever. It’s important to place emphasis on what’s on the inside rather than the outside first but when you can find that beautiful lady with the traits you crave, love is inevitable.

In the end, if you can take her home to meet the family without any concerns then you may have hit the jackpot. Relationships are a lot less complicated when you find the one your looking for instead of settling for the one that will do.

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