Mesa Falls: Visit One of Idaho’s Natural Gems

There are many beautiful places to visit in Idaho. The state has a very small population, and a great deal of open space and natural beauty. One of the more easily accessible and lovely places to spend an afternoon is at Mesa Falls. The location is off Highway 20, on the way between Idaho Falls and Yellowstone National Park (as accessed from West Yellowstone, Montana). So it makes a convenient side trip if you don’t want to spend an entire afternoon at Mesa Falls, but would like to spend a few minutes it a lovely and uncrowded setting.

Mesa Falls is located on Highway 294. Signs clearly mark the proper turn from Hwy 20 onto 294 whether you are coming from Yellowstone or Idaho Falls. 294 is a scenic byway, so as you are driving, you can enjoy the scenery. It hooks back up to Hwy 20, further along your way.

Mesa Falls is 114 feet high. It sits on the Henry’s Fork of the Snake River, and offers a rather interesting geological study of columnar basalt and ash from ancient volcanoes, compressed into what is called tuff. It is located in the middle of some fine timber, and beautiful scenery. Picnic tables and benches make it an idea spot for enjoying a peaceful lunch. There are two vantages from which to see Mesa Falls: the top and the bottom. The lower end of the falls is about a mile from the upper, but offers a lovely view from the Grandview overlook. There are good walkways and railings to keep you safe.

Another natural feature of Mesa Falls is the wildlife. It is not uncommon to see bald eagles, peregrine falcons, and turkey vultures in the canyon that houses the falls. A real treat is watching osprey fish below the falls. These birds of prey are graceful and lovely, and it is a treat to watch them in the wild. In some cases it is also possible to see the occasional deer. Wildflowers also abound. From early spring to late fall, there is a profusion of wildflowers, including glacier lilies, snowberries, and asters.

Mesa Falls is a pleasant treat, and not too out of the way when one is going between Yellowstone and Idaho Falls. It is also near other attractions, like Harriman State Park, Cave Falls, and the Warm River, all of which offer plenty of things to do in the great outdoors.

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