Mesa Verde: One of the Southwest’s Most Scenic Wonders

Scientists continue to try to discover her secrets and try to understand the people who built these cliff dwellings and why they left. Archeologists have discovered that Mesa Verde contains about 700 years of history. From about 600 A.D. to 1300 A.D. people lived and flourished in this magnficent dwelling. There were about 150 rooms and 23 kivas ( used for religious purposes) in the Cliff Palace, the largest of the cliff dwellings. Archeologists think that approximately 100 people lived here. These dwellings were created using sandstone, mortar, and wooden beams.
The mortar was made of soil, water and ash. Small stones, called chinking, were placed with the mortar between the blocks to add structural support. The dwellings at Mesa Verde are well preserved and scientists aren’t sure why the people abandoned their homes. Twenty four of the native tribes in the Southwest affirm an ancestral affiliation with the ancient people that dwelt at Mesa Verde.
The park is opened year round. There are plenty of places to stay in and around the park. There are campgrounds in the park as well as the Far View Lodge, a beautiful lodge with 150 rooms with private balconies. View is incredible. There are also hotels avalible in the near by town of Cortez Colorado.
Most of the park is handicap accessable with a few exceptions due to the climbing or strenuous effort needed to reach certain areas such as the Cliff Palace, Balcony House or Long House. There are around 600,000 visitors to the park each year many returning again and again. This year with the centennial anniversary there is going to be a year round celebration that will be a treat for all who visit.
Meas Verde is an incredible National Park. It is beautiful and intriguing, a place you would not want to miss visiting. The area is alive with cultural treasures. Start planning your Southwestern getaway today.