Mesothelioma Attorneys and Structured Settlements

The first question on your mind might be ‘What is Mesothelioma’? The National Cancer Institute offers this definition: Malignant mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer, is a disease in which cancer (malignant) cells are found in the sac lining the chest (the pleura), the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum) or the lining around the heart (the pericardium).

Mesothelioma is a killer. People that have lived or worked around asbestos can have this killer show up 25 to 40 years later. Exposure for just a few days is all it takes. Many people have lived and worked around asbestos never even knowing it and most often having no idea what dangers it posed to them.

If you or a loved one have been exposed to asbestos, and a doctor has given the diagnosis of Mesothelioma, it’s wise to consult Mesothelioma attorneys for legal advice and see about structured settlements. You may be entitled to millions of dollars from negligent companies. These companies have set aside millions of dollars in the form of structured settlements to pay the claims of injured workers and people who have been wrongly exposed to asbestos and developed the cancer Mesothelioma as a result of that exposure.

Structured settlements are legal arrangements that provide the plaintiff with a personal injury claim regular payments, sometimes of various amounts, over the period of several years, and sometimes for the rest of the plaintiff’s life. These structured settlements can also be passed on in a will to survivors in some circumstances when the plaintiff dies. When a terrible accident or injury has occurred, negligence for example, structured settlements can be very substantial and a continuous stream of income can often be expected. Most Mesothelioma attorneys will tell clients that the downside to structured settlements or a Mesothelioma claim is that it could take a long time for payments to begin, but then again it might take very little time. You won’t know in your case until you contact an attorney that handles litigation for Mesothelioma and request information about getting a structured settlement for yourself or a loved one.

Some of the places that a person might have been exposed to asbestos include: pipe insulation, insulation around fireplaces, some types of siding, clutches and brakes, tiles for floors and ceilings, boiler insulation, shipyard workers, paper mill workers, mechanics, electricians, bricklayers, millwrights, plasterers, refinery workers, carpenters, and others.

Many Mesothelioma attorneys will work with clients on a contingency basic, meaning that the lawyer will take his fee from winnings of the structured settlements and that the client doesn’t have to come up with money out of his pocket to hire and pay an attorney.

Asbestos cancer is a cancer that never had to happen, but does purely from negligence on the part of companies. People that have been exposed to it and developed this killer cancer from it and their families deserve to be compensated. Compensation in the form of structured settlements or payments can take care of the now disabled victim and the victim’s family.

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