Mexican Mythology Lesson Plan for ESL

This lesson plan is designed to help develop reading, writing, and collaborative langauge skills in ESL students using Mexican fables and myths. This lesson plan can be used in a mainstream language arts class, a sheltered English class, or in an ESL class. It is designed around TESOL goals and language objectives and is complete with activities, strategies, materials, and assessments.

TESOL standards

Goal 2: To use English to achieve academically in all content areas

Standard 2: Students will use English to obtain, process, construct, and provide subject matter information in spoken and written form.

Content Objectives:

1. Students will be able to identify a myth.

2. Students will know why myths are used.

Language Objectives:

1. Students will read myths/fables and use English to identify the characteristics of each.

2. Students will use English to summarize information in speech and writing and present it to the class.


1. Materials Needed:

a. Myth overhead

b. versions of myths/fables

c. Myth worksheet

2. Vocabulary to have students define on handout:

a. myth: a story that reflects the customs and beliefs of a culture.

b. moral: relating what is right and wrong in a story

c. fable: a story that cautions the reader or has a lesson to teach.

d. Origin myth: why something is the way it is

e. Mythology: a collection of myths or the study of myths

3. Intro:

a. “Who can tell me where chocolate comes from?” Wait for answers and short discussion.

b. Read the myth “Chocolate”

i. Students will answer the following questions on their own and then discuss them as a class:

1. Where did chocolate come from according to this story?

2. Do believe this story? Why or why not?

3. Why would anyone tell this story?

c. Discussion and brainstorming (Record on the board)

i. What is mythology?

ii. Why do we use it?

iii. What is the difference between a myth and a fable?

iv. What is a moral?

v. Why are there morals in stories?

vi. Do you know any myths that have morals?

d. Activity:

i. Students will form small groups of three or four.

ii. Hand out stories: “The Smiling Rabbit”, “The Legend of the Volcanoes”, “La Llorona”, and “The Burro from another World”(all found at

iii. Students will read the stories and discuss the meaning; why it was written, what is its purpose, is it a myth or fable, etc and write it down to present to class.

e. Post-Activity Discussion:

i. Each group will summarize their story and explain why they think it was written. Also discuss any moral it teaches.

ii. Wrap up discussion and answer any questions.

iii. Students are to write a few short sentences about what their understanding of what a myth is as wrap up.

f. Assessment

i. Students will be assessed by observation and their final writing assignment.

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