Migraine Pain? A Look at a New Treatment – RELPAX

It’s crunch time at work! A deadline is approaching and you are suffering with a migraine headache that makes you feel as if you ran into a train head-first. With the hustle and bustle of the office, the pain becomes unbearable with overhead fluorescent lights and noise of a typical office hustle and bustle. When considering treatment options, consult your physician regarding the use of a new drug called RELPAX. With appropriate dosing, monitoring of contraindications and knowledge of side effects, you may very well have found the key to a quick and speedy recovery and be on your way to completing your projects and deadlines the very same day.

RELPAX, a product of Pfizer, was designed in the treatment in the relief of migraine pain. Unfortunately, no generic is available due to the recent patent of the drug. However the effectiveness of RELPAX is well worth the cost involved with a brand name purchase. With RELPAX your migraine symptoms associated with light sensitivity and nausea are negated with most improvement beginning in as little as 30 minutes. In fact, studies have shown most individuals are back to normal activities within two hours.

Dosing of RELPAX tablets will vary depending on the need of the patient. However, it is recommended the first tablet be taken when the first indication of pain sets in. Tablets should be taken with water; food is not required. RELPAX is not considered a preventative drug and, therefore, should only be taken when pain begins. A second tablet may be taken two hours later should pain continue but no more than two tablets should be taken in a 24 hour period. If pain persists, consult your physician.

RELPAX, in the treatment of migraine pain, does not come without side effects. However, most side effects will dissipate as the migraine pain is relieved. Common side effects may include nausea, dizziness, weakness and tiredness. Some patients may develop pain in the chest or throat. While these side effects are possible, it is important to remember these may be the same symptoms brought on by the migraine itself. If side effect symptoms, especially chest pain, are severe or persist, consult your physician immediately as in very rare cases a heart attack may ensue.

As with most medications, there are contraindications to the use of RELPAX. Patients who have taken other migraine associated medications, such as Imitrex or Zomig, within the 24 hours preceeding should not take RELPAX. Additionally, RELPAX should not be taken if you are currently on a macrolide antibiotic such as Biaxin or Sporonax. RELPAX is classified as a Category C drug for pregnancy meaning it is unknown what impact the drug may have on a fetus. As a result, RELPAX should only be used when no other alternate form of treatment is available. Patients with cardiac arrhythmias or ventricular fibrillation or any other cardiac condition should avoid the use of RELPAX as the drug may disguise the symptoms of a cardiac condition and, therefore, prevent a patient from seeking appropriate cardiac care. Dosing for RELPAX is generally given in a 20mg or 40 mg tablet with instructions to never exceed 80 mg in a 24 hour period.

As with any disease, prevention is the key to maintaining good health. Know the signs of migraines and the triggers of migraine pain which may vary from food intolerance, stress, MSG additives, caffeine and alcohol. When over the counter medications do not relieve pain, consult your physician for more information on treatment options including the use of RELPAX. For quick and speedy recovery, the ability to meet deadlines and daily demands, RELPAX may be your true answer to getting the job done. For more information, visit the C.A.L.M program website at www.relpax.com.

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