Miller’s Pond in Smithtown, New York

Activities abound during the summer, but unfortunately, most of have the capacity to make our wallets feel a little lighter, especially when you’ve got a whole family to entertain. If the sun is shining and the kids are whining, and you live near the town of Smithtown, then salvation lies just a short distance away, and you can take comfort in the fact that your wallet will remain untouched.

If you have driven down Maple Ave. you may have seen it. A quick glimpse of sparkling waters. The sounds of gulls circling overhead. A small sandy patch of land overrun with ducks and geese. This is Miller’s Pond, and it can provide you and your family an afternoon of fun and adventure at no cost.

Occupied by several species of waterfowl all year-round, the most common of which include Mallards and Peking Ducks, as well as swans, Canadian Geese, seagulls, and the occasional Pilgrim Geese, you’ll find yourself surrounded by a colorful and happily noisy congregation of friendly birds eager to meet your acquaintance. Though some species tend to shy away from you if you draw too close, you’ll find them practically climbing up your leg if you brought along some bread with you.

Probably some of the most well-fed ducks on Long Island reside here, but they always seem eager for more, and on a nice summer day, you’ll likely find the small parking lot nearly full. But your kids will delight in tossing small pieces of bread to the birds and watching them chase after the tasty morsels. You may want to keep clear of the swans. They tend to be a bit more aggressive and may snatch at your hands rather than wait patiently for some bread to be tossed to the ground.

If the lot is clear, then unfold a beach chair and relax in the sun, enjoying the view of the serene scene that lays before you. You may be able to spot a crane perched high in a tree in the distance, or a scampering family of field mice residing in an old knotted tree perched upon the shore of the lake.

Eager for a little exploration? Just to the side of the lot is a trail system that circles along and around most of the lake, leading to small patches of shoreline and tiny clearings. Venture in far enough, and you’ll find yourself crossing small wooden bridges over babbling streams.

The trails are solid enough that you can even ride your bikes along them, though you may need to duck under the occasional branch. The lake is also stocked with a healthy supply of bass, and you’ll find many a fisherman here some mornings at the height of fishing season.

All in all, Miller’s Pond provides a healthy dose of activity that can be enjoyed by the whole family for free.

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