Mini-Lipo a New Surgery to Remove Fat with Less Pain and Downtime

Many of us have small areas of our bodies that we just can’t get to look the way we want them to look. We may eat right. We may exercise. But we still have small spots of fat in places. What can we do? If you want to go to an extreme, the answer may be a mini lipo. A what you may ask. A mini lipo is the nickname given to the new cosmetic surgery called mini liposuction.

Mini Liposuction was developed by Dr. Stan Gore, a Toronto based cosmetic surgeon.

Why would people choose mini lipo instead of the traditional version? First of all, the mini lipo is used for smaller areas of the body (example would be around the knees). The mini lipo is also less expensive, less painful and does not result in as much downtime with the traditional liposuction. With a traditional liposuction, patients are not allowed to exercise for 6 to 8 weeks.

The mini lipo takes approximately one hour to one and half hours. The patient is fully awake during the procedure. Local anesthesia and medication is used to keep the patient from feeling any pain. Smaller instruments are also used for the mini lipo compared to the traditional liposuction. The surgeon will inject sterile fluid into the problem are of the patient. Then the sterile fluid along with the fat are slowly and gently removed with a syringe and a fine cannula.

Traditional liposuctions involve vigorous suction and are performed using larger cannulas. By using less suction and smaller cannulas, the patient has less pain, swelling and bruising.

Patients who have a mini-lipo are not bedridden. In fact, they are encouraged to start exercising within a few days. They also are able to go back to work and resume their normal routines. Within a few weeks, they should begin seeing the results of the mini lipo.

One risk with the traditional lipos is that sometimes too much suction is used and therefore too much fat is removed. This can cause irregularities in the skin and even loose skin. The mini lipo removes only half of the fat cells that a traditional lipo does. Yet, patients using the mini lipo continue to lose fat cells in the following months after surgery thanks to Infusion Lipolysis, the second component used in the mini lipo treatment.

Dr. Gore gives his patients special transdermal creams to use every day following the mini lipo surgery. The cream is suppose to continue to promote the fat to breakdown, tighten the skin and even block new fat cells from accumulating. Dr. Gore claims that using this cream after the mini surgery will keep the area looking fit for possibly the rest of your life.

Could a mini lipo be the answer to some of those smaller stubborn areas of fat in your body? Possibly. To learn more about what is offered in your area in the way of cosmetic surgery, talk to your local doctors and ask them about a mini lipo.

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