Mommy Fitness: How to Make Time for a Workout

While it’s true that Mother’s who work from home do have more control over their lives compared to their corporate counterparts, one thing often slides off the top of the priority list, personal fitness.

Many WAHM’s feel guilty about hiring help to watch the kids while they “indulge” themselves in a workout. In reality, fitness is not an indulgence. It is essential to maintaining productivity and well-being.

Staying fit keeps elevates your energy levels allowing WAHM’s to meet the demands of being both a professional in their chosen field and being an involved parent.

In June a MSNBC study showed that 60% of workers who participated in an exercise break during the day boosted mental acumen and ability to meet deadlines. Researchers discovered that exercise increased overall performance by 15%. More good news from this study, the type of exercise selected did not affect the benefits. Workers can sweat up a storm with a fast paced run or find serenity with a hatha yoga session-any type of exercise had a positive benefit.

Getting in shape also improves self-image and body image. Theses ego boosters will manifest themselves in stronger familial relationships and increased confidence. Getting fit may give you the incentive to go after that elusive new client.

Hopefully, this strong case for making time for fitness has convinced you that now is the time to get physical. Before thinking up of all the normal excuses why this is going to be an impossible task, here are a few easy ways to add a workout to an already jammed schedule.

1.) Be the early riser. Wake early enough to fit in a bike or swim while your partner and kids are still sleeping. Enjoy this peaceful start to your day as you find some time to hear yourself think.

2.) DVDs. Most homes have a DVD player and most kids take a nap or are at school during some point in the day. Add the two things together and you’ve got a perfect chance to take a yoga or cardio class in the privacy of your living room.

3.) Join a group. Sometimes working from home can be a bit isolating. Go online and find a group of kindred spirits and form a walking or running group. Plan to meet a few times a week (bring the strollers too) and walk and talk for an hour.

4.) Take advantage of free babysitting. Look into the childcare services your local gym provides. Many local YMCAs offers two hours of free childcare Monday through Friday. Another idea is to offer to swap childcare duties with a friend or neighbor to accommodate your fitness routine.

5.) Walk your errands. Instead of driving to pick up your kids from school or daycare, plan on walking or running the route each day. These miles will quickly add up and you’ll be setting an excellent example for your children.

One last perk of getting back into shape–it can save you and your family money. A study performed by HealthPartners in 2003 found that adults who exercised four days a week reduced their healthcare costs by $2,200 a year.

It’s clearly time to dust off those gym shoes and get active. Your family and your business will thank you for the effort.

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