Money Saving Tips for Housecleaning

Everyone likes a sparkling clean house and are eager to share information on their favorite housecleaning product. But few will mention the high cost of a clean house. The price of spray cleaners, powdered cleansers, carpet cleaners, degreasers and so forth really add up. These money saving tips will help get the housecleaning chores done for a fraction of the normal cost and leave your house sparkling clean and smelling fresh.

Cheap Kitchen Cleaning

Purchase a couple of empty spray bottles, a large economy sized refill bottle of all purpose spray cleaner and a large bottle of white vinegar. Fill one empty spray bottle 2/3’s of the way full with the all purpose cleaner, then finish filling the spray bottle up with water. Half fill the other empty spray bottle with full strength white vinegar, then finish filling the bottle with water. These two cheap spray cleaners will tackle almost any kitchen mess from grease spatters and food spills to wall fingerprints and dirty floors. Vinegar is also a disinfectant that will remove harmful germs and bacteria from countertops. And since it’s a natural food product, there’s no worry about using vinegar around food.

Buy powder or liquid dish cleaner for the dishwasher and use ¼ less of the recommended amount. Too much dishwasher detergent can harm dishes and glasses, so by using a little less the dishes will be cleaned, money saved and dishes unharmed. Also, don’t run the rinse and hold cycle on the dishwasher, it will use several gallons of hot water which will increase the household’s utility bill.

Bathroom Cleaning

The same all purpose spray cleaner or vinegar used in the kitchen will also clean most any bathroom surface. Save time by mixing several spray bottles of cleaner and keep in each bathroom. A denture tablet dropped in the toilet will clean the bowl cheaply and with little to no effort. Use old newspaper to wipe bathroom mirrors and windows clean and dry (after spraying with vinegar or glass cleaner) instead of paper towel to save money and leave a streak-free shine. A dab of toothpaste will remove hard water stains from bathroom faucets, just place a dab of toothpaste on the spigot and scrub with an old toothbrush and rinse.

Money Saving Laundry Tips

Pass on buying the expensive dryer sheets that soften clothing, just dampen an old clean sock with diluted liquid fabric softener and toss into the dryer with each load of clothes. Dry loads of clothes in consecutive order, while the dryer is still hot, it will save money on the heating bill by preventing the dryer from having to heat up with each load of clothes. Separate dryer loads into light-weight and heavy-weight articles, light-weight clothing articles take less time to dry and the dryer doesn’t have to run as long.

More Money Saving Tips

Save money by making room deodorizer. Place a few drops of a favorite essential oil on several cotton balls, place the cotton balls in a decorative glass jar that has a lid. When room fragrance is desired, remove the jar’s lid and let the fragrance fill the room and deodorize it.

Use table salt to remove muddy footprints from carpeting. Sprinkle a generous amount of salt on the muddy footprint, rub the salt into the carpet with a damp cloth, then let set for an hour. Vacuum up the salt and mud residue. If any traces of mud remains, mix ¼ teaspoon dishwashing liquid into one quart of warm water, soak a clean cloth on the mixture and blot the mud residue with the wet cloth. Let dry then vacuum.





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