Money Saving Tips for New Moms

Being a new parent may be the most stressful ordeal a person can go through, and money worries can be a big part of that stress. Here are a few tips to save money when you have a new baby or a little one on the way.
1. Check on Craigslist and at thrift or consignment stores for clothes and furniture. I bought a great crib on Craigslist for $20. I buy most of my baby’s clothes at thrift stores like ARC for .50 a piece. Cloth diapers can be found used on sites like for half price or less if you want to go the cloth route.
2. Make your own reusable diaper wipes. Buy an old flannel sheet at a thrift store for a few dollars, wash it in hot water and dry it in the sun, and cut it or rip it into 5×5 inch squares. Fill a spray bottle with water and a little baby body wash to wet the wipes. Wash in warm or hot water and reuse.
3. Make a simple sling. Buy a yard and a half of remnant fabric for less than $5 to make a sling to carry your baby in. Check out Jan Andrea’s site for patterns; her pouch sling is easy and works great for newborns to one-year-olds. Similar slings go for $30 and more – not to mention the cost of a stroller (my baby hated her stroller; I eventually got rid of it). A worn baby is a happy baby. Many will even sleep in the sling while you get other stuff done.
4. Use borax as a stain remover. It’s cheap and will get out stains like baby food and dirt on cute clothes, used high chairs, and your carpet.
5. Register for gift cards. You won’t know what your baby needs until you get to know her a little, since every baby is different and our ideas about parenting can change in the few months when we are getting the hang of this new person. Gift cards assure you can get what you need later, when they are older.
6. Cosleep. You don’t need a crib at all if your baby sleeps next to you.
7. Try EC. Elimination Communication means paying attention to your baby’s signals. After a short time you will know when she is going to poo or pee; hold her over the toilet to save a diaper. When she gets able to sit up, get a little seat (with one of those gift cards!) that sits on the big toilet seat; sit your baby there to eliminate. I tried EC when my baby was new with little success, but we tried again when she got older and now I catch almost all of her poo and some pee in the toilet (she is eight months old at the time of my writing this).
8. Join a mama’s group. Share carriers, furniture, clothing, cloth diapers; buy disposable diapers or other supplies in bulk; and share babysitting.
9. Breastfeed!!! This will save you money on formula, doctor bills, bottles (unless you pump, but you only need a few bottles), and the cost of a diaper geenie (formula poo STINKS!). You will also lose weight like crazy.
10. Make your own baby food. Blend steamed veggies, fruit, brown rice, cashew butter, beans and hormone-free meats with water and/or breast milk. Freeze some in ice cube trays for later to reheat in the microwave or a double boiler.
These tips will save you money and make your baby happy and healthy too!