Morgellons Disease – Resources and Helpful Information

The Morgellons Research Foundation
This site features numerous photos, real case studies, continuing research and a comprehensive faq on Morgellons Disease. This is one of the most popular sites on the disease and was recently featured in national news spots on Morgellons. The foundation has gone through some changes recently, and appears to be a little bit unstable behind the scenes. However, the information is good and this site serves as a great starting point for learning more about the disease.
Morgellons Disease Forum at
This forum is a good place to go if you are seeking to interact with other Morgellon sufferers. It’s a little hard to navigate, and since it is a public forum, be prepared for other users who may not be sympathetic. However, there are some very nice people there who are committed to helping Morgellons Disease sufferers find the support and help that they need.
Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences
Oklahoma State University has set up a new division of their health sciences branch to study Morgellons Disease. They provide links to their research, and ways that you can help them get to the bottom of this disease. Audio files are available that feature interviews with doctors about Morgellons Disease. In addition, you’ll also find a place to register as a sufferer and get assistance on your condition. This is a great way to get help and further the race for a cure.
This site is a little lacking, but it is a good place to find background information on Morgellons Disease, and they seem to keep it updated to include all of the latest news on the disease. It does include a video file from a news report, as well as some video updates. They also provide links to more information on Lyme Disease, which many experts feel may be related to Morgellons Disease.
This is a great resource full of useful information, links to research, and a listing of nurses who are sympathetic to those with the disease. Since many in the medical profession do not believe this disease even exists, this is one resource that many sufferers can benefit from. Contact information is provided for nurses on their panel so that you can interact with a real human being who is well versed in treatment options, both physical and mental. The letters section provides a way to contact your congressperson to encourage them to get funding for more research, as well as letter you can send to your doctor that contains more information on the disease.
Morgellons Disease Site – Denmark
This site is a great resource for our European readers. There is a section in English, as well as German, Swiss and Danish. You’ll find actual pictures of the parasite that is believed to cause Morgellons Disease, as well as research information, medications that may provide relief and a lot more. Statistics are also provided on the disease, which seems to be affecting a lot more people than previously thought.
Morgellons Disease Research Message Board
This is another great site to interact with other sufferers and learn more about the disease. The atmosphere is a little more studious than the previous message board referenced in this article and may be a better fit for sensitive readers. It does seem to have the usual amount of spam, but there are some very helpful posts as well.
Morgellons Disease isn’t going away anytime soon. In fact, it seems to be affecting more people each year. The disease affects more than the patient’s body, it also works on the mind, making the sufferer feel isolated and hopeless. However, there are resources that can help you live through this disease and provide you with the support you need. Hopefully, as more people become aware of Morgellons Disease, we’ll get even closer to a cure.