Morning Coffee With The Today Show

I flipped the remote to the Today Show, which is the cream of the crop of the morning shows. I think most people think Katie Couric is the glue that keeps this show together, but I think it is the producing, timing, and chemistry between all four hosts.
In a time when cable news dominates the headlines, the Today Show still remains great!

The stories and producing is terrific! This is the way a morning show should be formatted. The headlines run every 15 minutes and then there are longer in depth interview segments that cover new topics. For example, this morning Couric begins with a taped collection of information on social security. Instead of this same old social security debate, the moral of this story is the focus brought to social security itself was like a political campaign, and millions of dollars are being spent on advertising. Then Anne Curry continued with her coverage of the Jackson case, which doesn’t get that much coverage on the networks. The Today Show is light with the right amount of wit. I can always turn to the networks o find something fresh. Plaza excerpts are always exciting.

The Early Show, and Good Morning America try this but it doesn’t work as well for some reason. Networks also have the advantage of using local affiliates for news and weather. This helps people get news and weather who don’t live in big cities. NBC takes full advantage of this.

This morning the circus was on the plaza. The circus and other segments like it are family oriented, and let’s face it the stay at home viewing audience is at least 40 million strong.
Numbers drive the game!

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