Mothers Benefit From Breastfeeding, Too

A benefit of breastfeeding for the mother is a reduction of certain diseases, specifically cancer. That is an amazing advantage for all of mother’s hard work. Studies show that a woman who breastfeeds is less likely to develop breast cancer- maybe even 25% less! The longer she breastfeeds, the lower her chances of having breast cancer. Also, uterine and ovarian cancer is less common in breastfeeding mothers later in life. That is because her estrogen levels are lowered while she is nursing. (Estrogen is thought to contribute to those diseases.)
Those aren’t all the physiological effects on a breastfeeding mother. A mother who breastfeeds during her childbearing years will have better health post-menopause. That includes the development of osteoporosis. A woman who breastfeeds is four times less likely to develop this condition of the bone. This will mean she is less likely to suffer from fractures later in life, such as in the hip.
There are also great psychological benefits in breastfeeding. Breastfeeding releases hormones in a woman that relax her, contributing to a better post-partum recovery. This may reduce her chances of depression and anxiety during her baby’s first, crucial months of life. Also, as breastfeeding promotes healthy post-partum weight loss, mother may feel better about herself psychologically. It should also be noted that the cost efficiency of breastfeeding could reduce stress levels in both mother and father.
There are so many wonderful advantages to a child from breast milk. That reason alone should encourage women to nurse as long as they can. Now that research shows so many benefits to the mother as well, it will be all the more advantageous to breastfeed. Families as a whole will be healthier and happier. Luckily, more and more women are being educated on these benefits and are choosing to nurse. Breast is best for all, it seems.