Motivate Your Kids with Incentive Cards

I am always on the lookout for fun, creative ideas that are easy to implement in my home. Every child is different and if I use one idea with one child, it may not work on the other one who has a different personality.

Right now my four year old daughter is very difficult to motivate. She loves to have fun and has such a sweet personality�but when it comes time to clean-up or do a chore, she is just plain whiney and stubborn!

I was going through some papers and found an idea I’d saved from several years ago. I like it a lot and might pursue it for motivating my sweet yet stubborn little one. I wanted to share it with you in case you also have been striving fro that “fresh” idea!

It is called “Incentive Cards.” You can make cards on a 3 x 5 index card or you can use your computer to make cute graphics on paper and cut to a smaller size. You can also use markers, scrapbook supplies, stickers, etc.

On each individual card write a specific task, chore, job, or character quality that specifically applies to your child. Things like:

*following directions without whining

*chew with mouth closed


*not sassing or talking back to mom or dad

*keeping room clean

*helping out without being asked


*not arguing with a sibling

Those are just a few of the hundreds of ideas you could use.

Each time the child accomplishes what it says on the card, you punch a hole in the card. This continues until the card is full of hole punches all around the outside of the card. When the card is full, your child can
choose a reward from a special “Rewards” Jar. They could be small toys or note cards you make for things like a free movie, book, Popsicle, etc.

If you are like me and you don’t always like giving material rewards (or maybe you can’t afford them), you could use alternative ideas. Maybe you could let your child stay up Ã?½ hour later after bedtime, use a “special person” plate at mealtime, have a slumber party in your bedroom or living room instead of sleeping in their own bed; or even let them spray mom and dad with the hose!

Whatever you decide on, let the payoff encourage the effort it took them to work on bettering their character and manners. It will be a huge payoff for you as well when you see the positive changes in the mood of your home.

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