Moving Tips for a Single Woman with Physical Disabilities

Moving from one home to another is a huge job for anyone, but for a single woman with disabilities, it can be nearly impossible, especially without assistance. I know because I am a woman with physical limitations, and I had to pay a moving company to pack and move most of my belongings. I cannot afford to hire someone to move my things out of storage and into my new home. I am relying on help from family, and little by little, I am getting it done. If you are on your own and have physical problems, take my advice. With a few moving tips and solutions, you can do it without having to spend your hard-earned money on professional help.
Start Packing at Least Three Months before the Move
A single woman with physical disabilities cannot begin packing her belongings too early. If six weeks seems like a reasonable amount of time to comfortably get the job done, plan on taking 12 weeks. Moving is a huge undertaking no matter how much or how little you have. A person does not realize just how much they truly own until filling box after box. Only keep out what you absolutely require, and pack just four or five boxes a day. It will not be as physically demanding or overwhelming when filling just a few containers in a 24-hour period.
Leave Boxes in the Areas Where They Were Packed
Although people with physical disabilities find different ways to accomplish many of the same tasks as everyone else, some things are just too heavy or too awkward to move. As a single women with limitations, do not attempt to lift things that you realistically cannot lift without hurting yourself. When in doubt, leave the boxes in the area where they were packed. Have patience, and wait for someone else to move them out or use an invaluable tool to get the job done.
Rent, Buy or Borrow a Two-Wheeled Cart
A two-wheeled cart is a fantastic implement for moving boxes. Whether they are going across the room or across the hall, the task will be much easier. Rent, buy or borrow a dolly from a neighbor, a friend or a relative. However, do not attempt to pull or push it up or down the stairs. Also, do not worry about keeping it in the house during the moving process. A woman with physical disabilities should not be concerned by what others think. If it makes life easier, keep it close at hand, even if it is something that in usually stored in a garage or shed.
Do Not Hesitate to Accept Help from Family and Friends
One of the most difficult things for a single woman with physical disabilities to do is not a physical task. Asking for help from others can be very difficult. No one wants to burden friends or relatives with extra chores. However, true friends and relatives who care will not mind helping. By all means, do not hesitate to ask for assistance or accept help when moving. It will be one of the most stressful things that you ever do, and no one should go through it on their own, even if they are a strong independent woman who happens to have disabilities. Everyone has limits, and you do not have to do it alone.
Source: Moving with Physical Pain and Limitations