Moving on

One of the greatest sources of motivation we can discover is in the ability to make changes and “move on”. It is an extremely liberating experience that will give you an added measure of essential sunshine to your life!

“Moving on” usually requires a few things of us which are absolutely necessary for us to do.

(1) apologize
(2) forgive
(3) let it go

Let’s begin with a “working” definition of “moving on”. In life, there are occasions when we may make bad choices as the result of circumstances that are either self-created or thrust upon us. Regardless of the source of the circumstances, when faced with the choices given, we may not always make the best decision. This can lead to hurt feelings and associated misconceptions. The outcomes that result may last for years, even decades.

The circumstances may not have been your fault. But you can still be a victim of the consequences.

Assess what you can do to solve the problem.

(1) Be willing to apologize for whatever involvement or contribution you may have had in the misunderstandings.
(2) Be willing to forgive others who likewise discover their own mistakes and want to make amends.
(3) Be willing to “let it go”. That means, by definition, that it is a moot point and will not be dredged up again as a source of contention. You must totally abandon the feelings you felt and “move on”.

The powerful release of inner turmoil is found when you finally “let it go”. It is a literal liberating experience and one that will energize your mind and fill your soul with peace.

Find that peace. Learn how to “move on”.

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