Mr. Clean Magic Erasers: My Opinion on These Little White Wonders

When the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser first hit the shelves, I was apprehensive to say the least to try a product that claims to get crayon off walls or scuff marks of floors with no more than a simple wipe. That’s a pretty tall claim for such a wimpy looking sponge.

I have five wonderful children with ages ranging from fourteen down to my youngest who is three, but as we all know, children are dirt magnets, especially in a house where all you have is white walls. On an added note, my house has textured walls and ceilings, so being gentle while cleaning is a two fold issue. After my cousin told me how she bought some and did her whole house with about 2 boxes in about 1 hour, I had to try them too.

The Magic eraser costs about $2.50 per box of two, and they also have a multi-pack you can buy with 4 inside for about $4.99. If you actually hold one of these sponges, they are so light and airy; you are wondering at that point if your purchase was a good decision. I mean, it looks like these things could just fall apart by placing them in water.

The first test I gave it was to see how much water it would absorb. I placed it in an 8oz glass of water and this sponge absorbed every last drop in the glass with no drips!

Test one-passed with flying colors.

I read the directions and they state that you should use them when they are damp. I squeezed the water out until it was in a damp state and then looked for a surface to do the second test. I found the perfect place: my three year olds textured bedroom wall. I have tried numerous rags, sponges and cleaning agents to get old crayon marks off her wall without any luck, and I didn’t really think this was going to be any different, but I felt it was worth a try. I began to wipe, and within two very light wipes, the crayon was gone! Holy Grail of sponges Batman!

This little Magic eraser did what it is advertised to do! I became flushed with cleaning frenzy, and started wiping whatever marks I could find (Believe me, there were a lot of them!) By the time my bedrooms were done, I needed to run out and get another box of Magic Erasers to finish the job. At that point I didn’t care, because I found something that worked! I came back with two multi-packs and began cleaning hallways, the dining room, and something magical happened that is NOT advertised on the box! My Seven year old son and daughter wanted to help clean! At this point I am feeling faint because this has never happened, and there is no disclaimer on the box that prepares you for this possibility. I quickly recruited them in the kitchen, and in about 30 minutes, we had the whole house wiped down.

Does the product need to improve in any way? In my opinion, I wish they would last a little longer. After about four uses, it is ready for the trash, but these little beauties are worth another trip to the store. I suggest keeping a stock of two multi-packs in the house at all times.

So, does this product work the way it says it does? You will always get a big fat YES from me!
Thanks Mr. Clean!

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