Mr. Clean Magic Erasers – the Perfect Cleaning Product

As a mother of a toddler, things get very very messy around my home. And some of those messes are not fun to clean up. Such as marker on the walls or broken eggs all over the floor. But Ive found something that can help clean just about anything up. Mr Clean magic Erasers.

It started when my son took a bright red marker to the front door. I scrubbed for hours with a sponge, a rag, and probably 10 different cleaners. Everyone had something for me to try, but nothing was pulling that maker off. In desperation i headed out to the store. I cornered a poor worker and began my rant of how nothing would take the marker off the doors. I was practically in tears over it. Finally when i was through begging for a solution she walked me to the Mr Clean Magic Erasers and asked, have you tried these? I said no, and she suggested I try them.

I was really skeptical.. After all a while sponge, just add water? How on earth would that work when everything else i had tried including bleach had done nothing? A 2 dollar sponge? I was tired, I was stressed, I was upset, I took the sponge.

And was i ever amazed. I sat down at the door and began to scrub at the marks. And as i did so, i noticed the water on the door was getting more and more red. The sponge was turning red. And my door? It was turning white! I was amazed. How could this little sponge take off the marker that nothing else had? Not only that but my door was perfectly pristine again!

But i didn’t stop there. Armed with the sponge and a bucket of plain warm water i began to wash my walls. Before they were dingy, slightly off colored. Under the layer of dust that had gathered, they were white. And i cleaned them till they sparkled. The first sponge was toast. Thankfully it came in a 4 pack. I grabbed another one, wondering what else i could use it on. I started with the wood ends of my couch, it pulled off old marker, a greasy residue that was on it, possibly hairspray. The wood gleamed! I even used it on the blinds.

Then i attacked the kitchen. I scrubbed my sink, i went to town on the stove. The stove hood is always greasy.. A wipe and it was gone! I even did the linoleum floors with a sponge. Then for the last test i could possibly think of. My son had gotten a hold of a permanent marker and drawn on my mirror one day. I looked at that mirror, and said it couldn’t possibly… But it did. It took quite a while of scrubbing. It wasn’t easy, but that mirror came clean. I was sold on them that day.

Sense that day, over a year ago i have found tons of uses for the Magic Erasers. I wash my sons toys with them, dishes, counters and the stove after dishes. Inside the microwave was always difficult for me to get clean because you shouldn’t use chemicals, But with this it was a breeze. Inside the oven, anything in the bathroom, including the ring around the tub. My husband even keeps one in his truck to wipe down the surfaces when they get dusty or grimy.

I have found my number one cleaning product, Mr Clean Magic Erasers, they can do just about any cleaning job that comes to mind with ease. Even my son likes to wipe things down with them, they are so simple, inexpensive and quick to use.

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