Museum for Kids of All Ages

The Greensboro Childrens Museum is a place to keep the kids thrilled for a full day of playing and learning fun and the parents aren’t just along for the ride.
Upon arriving in Raleigh North Carolina I started the search for the best activities in the area and stumbled upon The Greensboro Children Museum. It wasn’t highly advertised, possibly because it is a good drive from Raleigh, but what a gem to find.
If you don’t mind the ride, it takes about an hour and fifteen miutes from Raleigh, it is worth every minute. The museums small stature as you head toward the building is quite a different story as you head into the lobby. The lobby is a very spacious where they have various activities such as a local dance studio brought over ballet and toe dancers which my daughters loved.
A small admission is paid to enter which is comparable or less than many other museums we have been to. They charge six dollars for everyone to enjoy the fun for as many hours as they are open and they have special hours on Sunday and Friday in which you can go for a short session for only two dollars. They also have all levels of embership which is well worth it if you plan to go a few times over the year.
The lobby also has a museum style gift shop/ toy store for kids to pick out a toy after the visit is over and it is also a great place to find cool and unique birthday and Christmas presents for friends or family.
Upon entering Our Town, which is the theme for the exhibits, you will see the clock tower, this is a great place for everyone to meet back in case you split up. Next it is on to the Our Town Players, a really cool theater style setting with dress up clothes, a stage with lights that can be controlled by kids, a piano they can play and a puppet show area they can do themselves.
The food market is always crowded with kids and their carts, picking out the freshest fruits, vegetables, breads, pastries and meats and taking them to the real beeping scanners and cash registers.
There is a large toddler and baby area for little ones to crawl and explore on mats, in tunnels and on small riding toys and a larger track for the bigger little kids to ride toy cars around an indoor track.
In the doctors office and dentist there are many hands on activities for learning and clothes to dress up and right next door there is a music room with many instruments and steel drums that kids don’t get to see everyday.
To enhance the town there is an interactive post office, fire department, a real small scale house, construction zone and a newspaper office.
As you enter the next area you will be amazed at the real front of a dc 9 airplane front that the kids can climb into a sit where the pilot does, there is a NASCAR race car, a police car and and a fire truck to explore inside and out. They also have a lighthouse in this area, a giant sand play area with a boat and a bubble water area.
if you keep exploring you will find a gigantic train set of many covered trains that can be activated by the children by various buttons around the exhibit.
The Greensboro Childrens Museum is a day of fun and and learning from the smallest of children to the adults, who can participate and jump right into the fun or relax and watch the thrill on their kids faces. It is a great road trip, worth the time driving there, and the kids will most likely sleep all the way home.