Must-Have Authors for Your Child’s Book Shelf

It is recommended that you read to your child from day one. Not only does it allow for much needed snuggle time for you and baby, it introduces them to a variety of colors, words, and sounds. No, a baby won’t understand what you are reading, but they are processing all of the sounds you are making and studies show that the earlier you start, the more likely they will become avid readers. There are many wonderful options for you when it comes to reading to your little one.

Dr. Seuss is a standard that never fails parents. Strange, colorful illustrations of make-believe creatures fill each page. Also, he writes in a perfect rhyming scheme that makes his books fun to read for both child and adult. Classics that you simply must add to your child’s shelf include The Cat in the Hat, The ABC Book, There’s a Wocket in My Pocket, and Green Eggs and Ham.

Sandra Boynton has built a large fan base in recent years and it is easy to see why. Her simple and cute animal illustrations are fun for little eyes. You may recognize her style from the many greeting cards she designed in the beginning of her career. (We all have to start somewhere!) For a great bedtime story, check out The Going To Bed Book. One of my son’s first books that he really responded to was Boynton’s Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs!

Shel Silverstein is an author that both children and young adults will enjoy, so you’ll get a longer shelf life out his books. Like Boynton, he utilizes simple line drawings. However, the power of his books is his funny and imaginative poetry. His work has been around for decades and has been adapted to songs. “The Unicorn Song”, a folk classic, was written by Shel Silverstein, as was “A Boy Named Sue”.

There are many other authors that are famous not because of a collection necessarily, but because of one particular book or character and they deserve mention. A.A. Milne’s character, Winnie the Pooh, is one the most beloved of all time and the original book is a must-have for your child. Also, Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventure in Wonderland is a literary masterpiece and stands the test of time. Don’t be afraid to delve into the classics section for your children’s authors- they are classics for a reason!

These have been examples of mainstream, popular children’s fair but it really doesn’t matter what you read to your child- as long as you do. I’ve found myself reading comic books, textbooks, electronics manuals, and other random things to my son and he enjoys them just as much as a Dr. Seuss book. Reading to your child is just one more way to ensure they are getting the very best start in life.

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