Must Have Supplies for When the Power Goes Out

It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. A thunderstorm sweeps across your area and lightning strikes a tree. The tree takes out a power line and the lights go out. Winter is approaching! In areas that get a lot of snow it happens once or twice a winter. The snow comes down, big, determined snowflakes, building up one on the other on the trees and branches until they snap, falling onto a power line. The power is out . . . you’re left in the dark with no electric to use for lighting. No water, no stove or microwave. What can you do? Here’s what you can do . . .

Usually when the power goes out it’s only for a few hours. However, we once had a snow storm so bad it was out for three days straight! The truth is that you can’t expect that all power outages will only last a few hours because you really just never know. It all depends on mother nature, and the electric company’s ability to get to and repair the lines that are down. The first thing you can do is get prepared for a power outage before it even occurs. Every Summer storm, every Winter storm holds the potential to take out the power. Being prepared means being ready! In order to be ready you’ll need to have the following supplies on hand.

The most obvious problem when the power goes out is the lack of light. You’re left in the dark if it goes out during the night, and if it goes out during the day you’ll be in the dark within hours. Candles are an inexpensive, use full things to stock up on. It is a great idea to visit your local dollar store. There you’ll be able to find a good deal, such as four taper candles for a dollar. You’ll want to pick up a good supply so that you won’t run out, and will have enough to bring light into any room it is needed in. Flashlights are also a wonderful source of light when the power goes out, but remember, they do require batteries! (Batteries, although not on this list, are another of the essentials, not only for flashlights, but also for battery operated radios, or walkie talkies, which are very handy in a power outage)

The next thing you’ll need to have to go along with those candles, and also to start a fire for heat, if need be, are matches. You can buy a box of matches which contain about fifty little books of matches for only a few dollars. Lighters are also a source of fire, a little more expensive for a good supply of them, but use full for the same reasons, none the-less.

When the power goes out it is difficult to cook a meal, that’s for sure. One of the most needed supplies a family or person can have stashed for power outages is food! Canned food is perfect. It has a long shelf life and will not go bad without refrigeration. Just remember, if you’re accustomed to using an electric can opener it won’t work without power! You’ll have to pick up a good old-fashioned hand held, and manual can openers to keep with your stock of canned food! It is recommended to always have at least one week worth of canned food stocked for your family in case of emergencies or power outages! Two weeks of food is playing it extra safe, and it would be very much worth the investment should you ever need it. It’s always better to play it safe, and not to end up sorry.

When the power goes out, your well or city water will not work. Water is just as important as food! Bottled water can be purchased by the case at a reasonable amount. Should the power ever go out for an extended amount of time the water supply you have stashed could be used in more ways than you’d think. Yes, of course it’s there to drink, but we use water for so many other things as well, such as bathing, hand washing, washing clothes and dishes, and even flushing the toilet!

No one ever knows when they’re going to be faced with an electrical outage. For your families sake, and for your own sake, it is always best to think about these types of situations BEFORE they happen! Play it safe, and stock up on the above supplies, and any others you can think of, including wood which can keep you warm when the furnace won’t work, or can heat and cook food when the electric range has no electric to make it work!

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