My Kitchen Has Schizophrenia

As we amble into the cookin’ area we note beautiful bright cabinets, stainless steel Whirlpool freezer on the bottom, refrigerator, Whirlpool stainless steel gas range, Whirlpool stainless steel dishwasher all wrapped in creamy yellow walls. Behind the cabinet doors lurk part of the schizophrenia. There are pots and pans that were given to us as presents, pots and pan that we brought from our respective previous homes, and one 5 gallon soup pot that was my mother’s. The casseroles, dishes, glasses, etc all follow the same road map into our cabinets. We call it eclectic, well used, dinnerware.
Lookin’ through the pass through window another symptom of our schizophrenia is quite obvious. Under the crystal chandelier is a concert baby grand piano. Kawai CP 205 to be exact. It’s pearl white cabinet glows under the crystal chandelier. There is in the corner a portrait of my Queen Goddess favorite piano player “Liberace” and on the corner of her baby grand piano in his tradition a crystal electric candelabra. I have prepared many meals with the inspiration of the great composers and the talent of my Queen Goddess.
Across the room is our family sized oak dining table. It always has the leaves in place ready fer the next gatherin’ of friends. We kin snuggle in a dozen, ten is just comfortable, dinner fer two is romance in the makin’. Since most of the windows face southeast breakfast is an extra special sun drenched experience fer two lovers such as us. The creamy yellow walls, ten huge windows dressed in a lavender sheer curtains, deep green faux marble linoleum, all enhance the special aura of love in this room.
The memorable meals that I’ve prepared in my new kitchen reveal even more of the multiple personalities of this schizophrenia. Buckaroo baked beans (I’m told these are so authentic you kin hear Roy Rogers and Dale Evans sing “Happy Trails to You”) served with my dad’s favorite Grandpa Burgers. Hungarian Chicken noodle soup from a five generation old recipe. The family favorite of Prime Rib, twice baked potatoes, and my special Zucchini and stewed tomato casserole. My Queen Goddess loves my Eggs Benedict with roasted asparagus. The list is only as large as your imagination.
You kin tell we love our new kitchen even with it’s schizophrenia. I guess even more important we love the feelin’ we git when folks enjoy it as much as we enjoy it. Stop anytime the coffee pot is always full of Columbian Coffee.