My Life in Summary

I came inside and was greeted by a lumberjack looking fellow with a long beard.
“How about that weather out there?” he said trying to make the normal conversation. He probly knew something was up. Not many people go bowling alone.
I wasn’t quite sure how to reply. I was never good in social situations with people I meet the first time. So I stood there like a fool. Standing.
Finally I manged to utter “What was that?” trying to buy myself some time to come up with a response. I suppose it didn’t really matter. I would never see this man again in my life. I could’ve said anything really and it wouldn’t matter.
“I said how about that weather? You alright boy? you look a little pale.” he said and then spat into a cup.
“Sure im fine.” I lied “It’s pretty cold out thats for sure.”
Alone is a word for some taken into their minds as scary feeling that leaves a sinking like that of a stone in water. As for me, I embrace the feeling because it’s all I’ve known for the past 6 years.