My Super Ex-Girlfriend Starring Uma Thurman is a Good Time at the Movies

Starring Uma Thurman (Kill Bill Vol. 1 and2), Luke Wilson (The Royal Tenenbaums), and Anna Faris (Scary Movie) opens Friday, July 21st everywhere.

My Super Ex-Girlfriend is a load of fun. It throws you right in the middle of a jewel heist. Jenny Johnson aka G-Girl (Thurman) flies into action, and stops them. Predictable? Maybe, but who cares about predictability when you’re on a roller coaster. Ghostbusters director, Ivan Reitman gives the film just enough charm to keep you intrigued and laughing at the same time.

Enter Matt Saunders (Wilson). He plays the “nice guy”, shy and nervous when it comes to meeting women. He and his friend, Vaughn (Rainn Wilson; best known for his work on The Office) notice a homely Jenny Johnson in reading glasses, riding the subway. Vaughn gets Matt to talk to her and they immediately hit it off. Of course, Matt ends up having to stop a purse-snatcher first.

The first date gets off to a bad start when G-Girl is needed to put out a raging fire on the other side of town. But, that’s not all of her faults. Then, Matt agrees to see her again.

At the end of the date, Jenny or G-Girl is all over Matt. She strips him down without any effort, making him more and more nervous. The old expression about banging the headboard against the wall is given a completely new meaning, and it’s at this hilarious point in the movie that we’re really pulled into this super-romantic-comedy tale.

The only problem is that Jenny has some competition. She soon grows jealous of a younger woman that works alongside Mat at an architecture company, Hannah (Faris). It’s at this point that their relationship takes a turn for the worst. Jenny gets almost psychotic in her rage, causing one to wonder if a woman who appears to be having constant cramps is a superhero. At one point, G-Girl refuses to save the entire city to keep a close eye on Matt and Hannah.

Jenny doesn’t get revenge in the usual sense. She is a super woman afterall. After watching him go through so much hell over simply trying to break up with G-Girl, one can’t help but feel a little sorry for Matt. But, that’s all well and good when Jenny finally finds the one man who – despite all efforts – won’t hurt her.

My Super Ex-Girlfriend isn’t a perfect movie. Some of the dialogue doesn’t seem to be fully realized. Some of the jokes are poorly executed. But, for the most part, this superhero parody is full of good times, and a few very different kinds of thrills.

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