My Top 10 Toddler Activities of the Summer

As the mother of a toddler, sometimes I run low on activity ideas. Toddlers can be very tempermental and extremely picky about the things they want to do. That’s why we parents are so eager to find new toddler activities to keep little minds and bodies active. Here are a few of my favorite toddler activities. Make sure you have your camera handy while your toddler enjoys any of the follwoing activities.

Coloring- You may think this is an easy idea to come up with, but many adults do not even have crayons in their homes unless they already have older children. With my oldest daughter it took me quite a while to decide if I should offer her the use of crayons. I was afraid she would eat them, write on my walls or even stick them in places they shouldn’t be. Luckily, I was happily surprised when it turned out that she loved to color. You will love all of the beautiful creations your toddler can come up with.

Pudding Bathes- I know this sounds funny and you’re probably thinking I’ve gone insane. Bare with me though. Pudding bathes are very popular here at my house. This is a very simple toddler activity that isn’t as messy as it sounds. You take one empty bathtub, one diapered toddler (or more toddlers if you have a tub big enough) and pudding of your choice. Vanilla is our pudding of choice. Place your toddler in the bath tub, plop in the pudding and let the fun begin. Let your toddler “finger paint” all over themselves and the inside of the tub. Don’t forget your camera to capture those shots of smiling pudding-covered faces. Once the fun is over you just turn on the bath water to get your toddler and tub sparkling clean.

Bubbles- Bubbles are the number one favorite toddler activity with my children. Bubbles float, bounce, bob and finally POP! They are shiney and very intriguing to a toddler. Even if your toddler doesn’t accomplish the actual blowing of bubbles, they will love chasing and trying to catch them. You could even buy some cheap bubble blowers at your local dollar stores to add to the enjoyment.

The Outside Sprinkler- Anything associated with water thrills my toddler. So a water sprinkler is a great way to pass the time on a lazy summer day. It is also a fantastic way to tire out an active toddler before their naptime. Just put on their swimsuits and let them run!

A Water Table- A water table is a toddler activity table that can be filled with water. Your toddler can sail little boats, pour cups of water in it or just splash and splash. These are best set outside on a porch or deck so that you won’t have a huge water mess to clean up after the fun is over.

Dry Rice- Dry rice can be a great staple in a mom’s box of toddler activities. You could use it in the activity tables, like the one mentioned above. You could also just pour dry rice into a huge plastic bowl or a big pot. Then hand you toddler some cups, spoons, shovels or just anything you can think of that they would enjoy using to dig and play in the rice. Some people have suggested dry beans for this activity also, but I prefer the rice because it’s easier to vacuum up if you let your toddler do this activity indoors.

Wading Pools- This is another great toddler activity. Since my girls are water rats, anything water related is a fantastic idea in my household. A small wading pool, with a few inches of water in it, can be a beautiful thing to a toddler. Throw in some cheap bath toys and a few plastic cups for added enjoyment.

Bath Tub Swimming- Tub swimming is just a variation on the wading pool idea. Fill you bath tub with a few inches of lukewarm water and you have an instant swimming pool for a toddler. Dress your little one in that cute swimsuit you love so much and let them enjoy. My toddler even yells “SWIM! SWIM!” anytime she sees the tub now. This activity is very helpful to the adults who can’t go outside, don’t have an outside area for a wading pool or even just for a tired mommy.

Flower Pots of Dirt- This is the newest toddler activity at my house. On my front deck I have three big plastic flower pots full of dirt. These pots have no plants in them, just dirt. I keep a shovel and pail near-by for easy digging. My toddler can dig in the dirt for upwards of an hour. It holds her attention very well. Don’t worry if your toddler gets dirty, because they will. Once the dirt digging is over, you could let them run through the sprinklers for a quick shower.

Go Camping- I bet you’re saying “Camping?”. I don’t mean real camping. I mean pretend camping. All you need are some blankets or sheets and some chairs to drape them over. Get down on your hands and knees and follow your adventurous toddler though the “tent”. Grab a few flashlights to make shadow puppets. Don’t forget the snacks and storybooks too.

These are only a few of the many toddler activites that you can do for summer time. Many are appropriate for year round use also. You could take these and create your very own unique activities that are specifically for your family. You don’t have to be creative to come up with good activities that your toddler will love. Always keep in mind that parental supervision is a key ingredient in any toddler activity. Remember to apply sunblock before any outdoor activity and never ever leave any child unattended in or around water.

Happy Summer!

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