My Visa Mini Card- Can’t Leave Without It

As a busy mom of three small children I find myself looking for the easiest way to do anything! I can’t carry a purse because I have to carry a diaper bag. I can’t use my diaper bag as my purse because I rarely even take it out of the car. This presents an issue when I need access to money ( which is every time I leave my house ).

The VISA minicard is the way to go to free up you arms, free up stroller baskets, it will keep you from running all over the mall retracing your steps to find your purse or wallet, avoid those disdainful looks from mall security and the help desk every time you need help. You can keep your stroller from falling backwards because your purse is heavier than your children! And without a purse you come to realize you don’t really need to carry around most of what is in your purse anyway. Lipstick and cell phones fit in a pocket .

The first day I received my VISA minicard I thought it was adorable, I had no idea how my life would change for the better. Any time I go anywhere I have to take my keys to drive the car and lock my house, well the mini card fits right on my keychain along with all those grocery discount cards. It is the same size as the other cards, so I just positioned it between all the other cards so it is not all that noticable. I can hop out of the car, get all the kids out of carseats and be hands free because my card fits anywhere. I have to use my keychain to lock my car so I won’t leave this in the car ever.

The VISA minicard is accepted anywhere in the world that you would use a regular credit card. You do get occasional glances when you hand the clerk a handful of keys and grocery cards to swipe in her credit card machine, but it doesn’t compare to mall security! And speaking of security, it even has a picture of me on it so I don’t even have to take my drivers license out of the car and if someone somehow got my keys, it has MY picture.

I did break my card and was devasted by the ten day wait to get a duplicate and that was when I realized I cannot live without this wonder card, oh the thought of having to go back to a bag or even a regular bulky size credit card!

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