MySpace FAQ for Newbies

What is MySpace?
MySpace is a free, online social network. Each member is given their own webpage that tells people about themselves. On that page, you are free to explain who you are, where your interests lie, and what kind of people you are there to meet. You are free to personalize the page with your own design, graphics, music, and blog entries.
Why would I want a MySpace page?
You may not. While it is fun to design your own page and speak with like-minded people, there are a lot of idiots on MySpace. If you have little patience for tomfoolery or if you hate your species, then MySpace is not for you. However, it is addictive once you start and it seems to have something for almost everyone. If anything, you might want to look up old high school friends and see how fat they are now.
What is HTML code?
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the formula that is entered to create the Internet sites you visit. It contains the specifics of the page layout, font, graphics, etc. If you are asking what HTML is, then you haven’t needed it before now and you certainly don’t need to learn it for MySpace. Just know that it is the code you must cut and paste into your page to make pictures, videos and layouts appear. You can leave the HTML writing to others.
What is a MySpace “friend”?
As a MySpace member, you are free to invite others to be added to your friends list. Friends can post comments on your homepage, blog entries, and picture gallery.
Can I edit comments left on my page?
You may delete any comments left by your MySpace friends, as well as delete friends at any time. You are encouraged to do so if anyone on your friends list has become a nuisance or a “troll”.
How can I change the background/layout from this boring white?
You have two options here. First, you can just do a Google search for sites that offer HTML codes of premade layouts. That is a route many people choose because it is so easy. Alternatively, you can personalize every detail by creating your own layout. A MySpace editor that is user-friendly and very popular is the Thomas Editor ( Once you have the HTML for the layout you want, paste the entire code into the “Interests” section of your page.
How do I post a picture on MySpace?
In order to post a picture, you will need an HTML code for one that is already online. To do this, you should open an account at a photo-hosting site, such as or There, you will be able to start a free account and upload any pictures you want into your online photo album. They make it very easy for you, providing an HTML code you can then cut and paste onto your MySpace page.
Do you have to be over 18 to have a MySpace account?
No, MySpace is intended for individuals that are at least 14 years old. However, adults may not view profiles of the youngest members.
Aren’t there a lot of sexual predators on MySpace?
Yes, see the answer to the above question. MySpace does what it can to stop creeps from cruising children. Alas, many people lie about their age. Use your best judgment, just as you would on the street or on any other social website. And for God’s sake, keep your little son or daughter off of it if they don’t know any better!
I’m offended by some of the material on MySpace. What should I do?
There shouldn’t be any pornographic or offensive material on MySpace. While it isn’t intended to be overrun by censors, there is an obvious line between graphic material and material suited for 14 year-olds and up. If you spot anything you think is just plain wrong and you wouldn’t want your mother seeing it, pass it along to customer service. They will see if it needs to be removed.
How do I put music on my page?
At the top of the MySpace screen, you will see a “Music” section. Go there. You will be able to search music by band names and members. If you find a song playing on one of their pages that you like, push “Add” next to the song information. This song will now play on your homepage. If you want to change it, merely select a new song and it will automatically be deleted and replaced.
How do I put a video on my page?
The best source of free videos (other than the “videos” section of MySpace) is They will have a wide variety of original films, television and movie clips, commercials, and music videos. YouTube provides an easy HTML code to cut and paste. Again, try to keep it somewhat decent- porn will get your account deleted.
I keep getting friend requests from people I don’t know. Should I accept?
Well, that is up to you. It is possible that they saw your page, found you endlessly fascinating, and want to know more. Or, it could be one of the teenyboppers or frat-boys on the site that have made it their personal quest to have as many friends as possible. Lastly, it could be a crappy indie rock band that is trying to get you out to one of their gigs.
Some of the pages on MySpace are extremely overloaded with crap.
While that isn’t a question, it is a very astute observation. Yes, many people have gone nuts decorating their MySpace page. Some people choose to express who they are by posting 5,000 “blinkies” or glittery letters that spell out “BITCH” or “HOTTIE”. While that is your personal choice, keep in mind that bad coding and graphics-heavy pages slow the whole site down. Plus, it makes you look like an ass.
Can I use MySpace for career networking?
Why, yes. Out of 54 million users, only about 51 million of them are horny teenagers or potential rapists. Freelance artists, in particular, find that MySpace can be a great place for networking.
Can I meet my future lover/spouse on MySpace?
Why, yes. Out of 54 million users, only about 100,000 of them are serial killers. Just keep your wits about you and, permitting you are both consenting adults, use MySpace as your personal pimp/matchmaker!