NFL 2006-07 NFC East Division Predictions

WINNER – Washington Redskins. I’m going out on a limb here and playing a hunch. I have no real reason for picking the Redskins other than “Why not”? Even with the potentially preseason ending injury to RB Clinton Portis, I think they have what it takes to win the division. They may not have the big, recognizable names like Manning or T.O. or McNabb, but they have a solid defense and an underrated offense. In a crop of teams where everybody could go 10-6, the Redskins are my pick of ‘creme’. Record 11-5
SECOND – New York Giants. If they do finish second, they may be the best second place team in the NFL. They have so many questions to answer again this year. Is this the year that Eli Manning breaks out of the HUGE shadow that big brother Peyton casts upon him? Can the Barber ‘cut’ his way through the field, with ease and grace, like he did a season ago? Will Coach Tom Coughlin suspend the whole team if they are 11 minutes late for practice? Why are they called the New York Giants if they play in New Jersey? Record 10-6 Wildcard
THIRD – Dallas Cowboys. Last year all eyes were on Texas; for good reasons. However, last year is just that, last year. The Longhorns don’t have Vince Young again. The Astros and Roger Clemens probably won’t be playing in the playoffs. The Texans could have had Reggie Bush but settled for Luigi, or is it Mario? Ozzy isn’t going to the Alamo. The Mavericks and Spurs both fizzled out. This state now belongs to Terrell Owens. Everybody wants to know how T.O. will act this season. I’m sure that there are office pools, all over the country, that will try to predict the exact date when Owens and QB Drew Bledsoe (or Coach Parcells, or anybody on the team, or anybody with the Dallas Morning News newspaper, or anybody in general anywhere) will erupt into fisticuffs or some general malaise. Much like the Super Volcano under Yellowstone National Park, the T.O.-cano will go off eventually. But he can play. He is very good at what he does, when it relates to catching a football and scoring touchdowns. He has to be in order for team after team to keep signing him. Record 9-7
LAST – Philadelphia Eagles. The Eagles have to be America’s pick for sentimental favorite from the NFC East. They rid themselves of a disastrous situation with Owens. Hollywood couldn’t pen a more poetic storyline for the Eagles than for them to win the division (not to mention a Super Bowl victory), thus being the ultimate payback for T.O. If the Eagles could somehow do just that, it would be so heartwarming and good for the game. It would also be a miracle. They will be good but come on, look at their (immediate) competition. The Eagles are one great wide receiver away from being competitive. Record 8-8