National Solid Waste Management Commission Sets Guidelines on Categorized Disposal Facilities

The National Solid Waste Management Commission (NSWMC) has set the guidelines on categorized disposal facilities.

NSWMC Resolution No. 6, or the Adoption of the Guidelines on Categorized Disposal Facilities, rationalizes the design of sanitary landfills based on the estimated net daily residual waste generation of local government units, taking into consideration, the environmental, financial, socio-economic, and hydro-geological dimensions within the cities and municipalities.

The Guidelines are set in support of the provision of Republic Act No. 9003, or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, which mandates DENR to provide technical and other capability building assistance and support to local government units in the development and implementation of local solid waste management plans and programs.

Based on the set guidelines, disposal facilities fall into four categories: Category 1 (repository for 15 tons and below of generated residual wastes per day); Category 2 (more than 15 to 75 tons of generated residual wastes per day); Category 3 (more than 75 to 200 tons of generated residual wastes per day); and Category 4 (more than 200 tons of generated residual wastes per day).

All four disposal facility categories should have daily and intermediate soil cover, embankment/cell separation, drainage facility, gas venting, and leachate collection features. Categories 1 to 3 should have a Pond System for leachate treatment, while Category 4, a combination of physical, biological, chemical-treatment. Clay liners should be present in all categories, or, synthetic liners for Categories 3 and 4.

Moreover, the waste disposal facilities, regardless of category, shall also meet these requirements: a) Siting Criteria for Sanitary Landfills as specified in RA 9003 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations; b) planned capacity with phased cell development; c) site preparation and containment engineering; d) compaction of waste to minimum specified target densities; e) specified operational procedures to protect amenities; f) fence, gate, and other site infrastructure wit surfaced primary access road; g) full record of waste volumes, types, and source; h) separate cells for municipal solid wastes, toxic and hazardous wastes, and hazardous chemical wastes; i) facility operation by a pool of fully-trained staff; j) provision for aftercare following site restoration and closure; and k) prohibition of waste pickers at the immediate disposal area.

The set guidelines on Categorized Disposal Facilities provide the LGUs with a more affordable option depending on what category they may fall and will encourage them to reduce the residual wastes that they will dispose in the landfill. They may also opt to make use of ecologically-acceptable alternative technologies for the management of their biodegradable, recyclable, and residual wastes.

For additional information on solid waste disposal facilities, contact the NSWMC – Secretariat Office at the 2nd Flr., HRD Building, DENR Compound, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, with contact nos. (632) 920-2252, 920-2279, 925-4796 / 925-4797 local 3.

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