Natural Disasters Inspire Revision of Classic Hymn

In the aftermath of the Class-5 category Hurricane Katrina ravaging the Southern states of Mississippi and Louisiana recently, as well as the largest tsunami of all time ripping apart Southern Asia last year, Daniel A. Anderson was inspired to write about the experience of having hope and religious faith despite overwhelming circumstances.
Anderson rewrote the lyrics to the traditional Christian hymn “Angels From the Realms of Glory” – song number 220 in the United Methodist Church Hymnal and renamed the song “In the Wake of New Disaster.” This hymn is sung to the music of “Angels,” composed by Henry T. Smart in 1867 and originally written with lyrics by James Montgomery (written in 1816). “Angels” was inspired by the following scriptures: Luke 2:8-20; Matthew 2:1-12; and Malachi 3:1.
“In the Wake of New Disaster” lyrics:
In the wake of new disaster, where the storm washed lives away,
give to us a word of comfort; strengthen us, O Lord, we pray.
Guide us in your ways of wisdom, as we join in prayer today.
Give protection to the people who are stranded in harm’s way.
Bless the efforts of the workers who are striving night and day.
Show the rainbow of your promise: there will be a brighter day.
Bring our nation all together, move us toward a common goal,
in the wake of violent weather, to sustain, refresh, make whole.
We, your people, call upon you: may your love touch every soul.
May our faith grow ever stronger as we face the days ahead.
Let us pray for one another. ‘Give to us our daily bread.’
Holy Spirit, may you lead us through the floods we all must tread.