Natural Remedies to Control Macular Degeneration

Macular Degeneration occurs when the cells in the center of the retina start to deteriorate causing your sight to become more and more blurry. You start seeing a black hole in the center of your vision and eventually your complete vision is surrounded or enveloped within this black spot. The black hole gets bigger as your vision gets worse. Most traditional doctors believe there is no way to control the slow deterioration of the cells in the retina that cause the disease and eventually blindness sets in. However, alternative doctors disagree. They believe that macular degeneration can be controlled or even reversed with natural remedies and medical treatment.

Everyone over the age of 50, which is the age group that is more likely to get Macular Degeneration, should be taking Lutein supplements. Luteins contain the nutrients found in green leafy vegetables. The belief is that this nutrient can prevent and control macular degeneration when taken. Lutein can increase the pigmentation of the macula, which are the cells in the retina. Take 6 mgs a day of Lutein for the best effects but if you’re a vegetable lover you can get the same amount of Lutein needed from eating five servings a week of green, leafy vegetables. Taking 180 mgs of Bilberry, which is a natural remedy in helping improve the circulation to the retina, along with 6 mgs of Lutein a day can help strengthen the eyes.

To help restore the retina, take 500 mgs of Taurine a day. Taurine is an amino acid that helps rejuvenate tissues. Natural remedies such as antioxidants can help stop the development of free radicals, which attacks and damages cells. Including vitamin C, E, selenium, and zinc in your diet can help stop the internal damage done by free radicals. Also, make sure you take multivitamins that focus on helping the eyes.

Like many other diseases, lifestyle or eating changes can decrease one’s chances of diseases like macular degeneration from getting worse and even controlling or reversing the damage done. Eating low fat, whole-grain foods help to lower cholesterol, which has been linked to macular degeneration. Smoking can reduce the effects of multivitamins. Caffeine can make the disease worse and alcohol can damage the cells in the retina. Lastly, protect your eyes when outside in the sun by wearing sunglasses. All these natural remedies can help to control macular degeneration and in some cases even reverse the dreaded disease. However, use these natural remedies along with a treatment program provided by your doctor.

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