Natural Remedies to Fight Athlete’s Foot

Athlete’s Foot is caused by fungus that builds up mainly in the tiny space between your toes. The fungus build up can come from walking barefoot in shower stalls, locker room floors, pool decks, and not wearing socks while engaging in sports or other similar types of activities. Athlete’s Foot causes a hot, red, burning sensation with itching, flaking, and peeling skin on the foot. Prescription medication has a temporary effect on the condition. There are some minor things you can do to help reduce the effects of athlete’s foot, never wear the same pair of shoes two days in a row and you should always change your socks if your feet sweat.

However, there are some alternative natural remedies that you can use to help cure that stubborn athlete’s foot. The first one is to use some yogurt and dab it on the infected areas. This can help rid the symptoms of athlete’s foot and you can apply it as much as you need for relief. The next is garlic. Rub two or three drops of garlic oil on the affected areas to kill the fungus of athlete’s foot. The only downside to this natural remedy is that the garlic will enter the bloodstream to fight the fungus but you will end up with garlic breath. The best time to apply this natural remedy is right before bed. Use this natural remedy each night for two to four weeks. To fully rid yourself of athlete’s foot, try eating four garlic coves daily and drinking lots of water for about five months or until you start seeing results.

The next natural remedy is to avoid refined sugar, which is a toxin to the immune system and allows the fungus of athlete’s foot to flourish. Take Echinacea, but not too much. It’s one of the best herbs to boost your immune system but if you take it everyday it can actually weaken your immune system. Next, you can take astragalus three times a day, which kills the fungus. Lastly, vitamin C is one of the best remedies, not to mention nutrients, to strengthen your immune system and rid athlete’s foot. To rid athlete’s foot, take vitamin C six times a day starting with 250 mg, six times a day, then increase to 500 mg (six times) the second week, then 1,000 mg (six times) the third week. A side effect from taking vitamin C in large doses is that you could develop diarrhea or loose bowels, if so, cut back to the dose where you didn’t experience the side effects.

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