Natural Treatments for Athlete’s Foot

First off, if you don’t use a treatment for this fungus, it can easily spread to other warm, moist parts of your body. The skin between your toes can blister and split and a worse infection may occur. So you see how important it is to take care of the problem right away.
If your Athlete’s Foot causes your toes or feet to swell, or, if you notice that the blisters or cracks in between your toes are red, or they contain pus, then you should immediately contact your medical doctor.
An effective natural treatment for Athlete’s Foot is Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil is an antiseptic that can kill the bacteria that causes the fungus. You can find it at your local healthfood store. Before applying this oil, wash your toes and feet with an antibacterial soap. Rinse well with tap water, then dry. Use a clean, soft towel to dry in between your toes. Or, if they are sore, use the low setting on a hair blow dryer to do the job instead.
Then, place some Tea Tree Oil on a cotton ball and apply it liberally to the affected areas. Do this when you get up in the morning before you get dressed, after bathing, and before bedtime. Allow the oil to dry, or use a hair blow dryer to quicken the process before you put socks on.
Apple Cider Vinegar is another effective natural treatment. You can use this treatment one of two ways. You can either apply it by using cotton balls on your clean, dry feet and toes. Or, you can pour a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar into a basin of cool tap water. Mix the vinegar around in the water, then soak your feet and toes for fifteen minutes. Do this three to four times a day for the maximum healing results.
There is also good old fashioned table salt. Table salt is best used as a treatment for Athlete’s Foot by soaking in it. Just pour two tablespoons of salt into a basin that’s half-filled with cool tap water. Soak your feet and toes for fifteen minutes.
Then, remove your feet from the salt solution and dry them thoroughly with a soft, clean towel or a hair blow dryer.
All of these natural treatments should provide you with relief almost immediately. It normally will take five to seven days for the Athlete’s Foot to clear up completely.
Once the fungus is gone, keep your feet and toes free from this spreadable condition by:
1. Washing carefully between your toes with an antibacterial soap when you bathe.
2. Dry in between your toes completely after you bathe.
3. If your feet sweat profusely, sprinkle baking soda or a medicated foot powder in between your toes to help keep them dry.
4. Wear cotton socks because they absorb sweat better than manmade materials.
5. Wear leather, canvas, sandals, or other footwear that allows air to reach your feet and toes.
6. Don’t wear footwear that is sweaty or damp. Switch off shoes from day to day so they can dry in between wearings.