Natural Treatments to Cure Common Constipation

It’s a subject that no one talks about, yet it’s a condition that affects many people on a daily basis. Many healthy people experience the abdominal pain and the bloated feeling that constipation causes. You may even experience headaches.
Instead of taking over-the-counter medicines to treat this problem, you can use some natural treatments to cure common constipation instead.

Normally, the muscles in a person’s colon pushes the solid waste material along so it can be excreted. But, when a person is suffering from constipation, the muscles sometimes don’t move the waste. Either they don’t work at all, or they don’t work efficiently.

A typical cause of common constipation is a lack of water in your diet. Your body needs to be properly hydrated in order for it to work efficiently. The experts recommend that you drink six to eight glasses of water each day. Not sure if you’re drinking enough water every day? Take the test. If your urine is clear, then you’re body is properly hydrated. But if your urine is colored, or it has a foul odor, then you need to increase your water intake.

Another natural treatment is to add dietary fiber to your diet. High-fiber foods help the muscles of the colon to work properly. They also expand the colon so the solid wastes can pass through easier. High-fiber foods act as natural laxatives.

Foods that are high in fiber include whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables.

If increasing your water intake and adding fiber to your diet don’t work to cure your common constipation, then try drinking diluted lemon juice. Mix up a teaspoon of lemon juice in an eight-ounce glass of warm water. Then, stir in a teaspoon of honey. One glass of this lemon juice mixture should cure your constipation. If not, wait a few hours and repeat the laxative treatment.

Another natural treatment for constipation is to drink Senna leaf tea. Sweetening your cup of tea with a bit of honey and lemon juice will help the laxative effects. You can readily find Senna leaf tea at your local healthfood store.

“Cascara sagrada” means “sacred bark” in Spanish. The herb is made from the bark of the American Buckthorn tree. Cascara sagrada has been used as a natural laxative for centuries. You can find it at your local healthfood store. Read and follow the instructions on the bottle.

Or, if you don’t mind the taste, you can drink a six-ounce glass of dill pickle juice or sauerkraut juice cure your common constipation.

Taking a high dosage of Vitamin C and Magnesium together is a natural treatment for common constipation. The recommended dosage is 500 milligrams of Vitamin C and 400 milligrams of Magnesium taken daily.

If this dosage doesn’t provide the laxative effects you need, increase the dosages 100 milligrams at a time until your constipation is cured. The maximum dosage of Vitamin C you should take daily is 5,000 milligrams. And, the maximum dosage of Magnesium is 1,000 milligrams.

Self Massage is another natural treatment that’s used to cure common constipation. To use this method, mix together three drops of Rosemary and three drops of the Thyme herb together. (Visit your local healthfood store to obtain these herbs.) Mix in half of an ounce of olive oil.

Then, lie down on a comfortable bed or couch. Place a bit of the oil mixture onto your finger tips. Start the massage at your stomach by rubbing your fingers in a circular motion across the entire area. (Put more oil on your fingertips as needed.) Massage your stomach for five to ten minutes in order to cure your common constipation.

Once you have massaged your stomach, move your fingers down and perform a natural self massage across your abdomen too.

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