Natural Ways to Deodorize the House

Products designed to deodorize the home take up entire aisles in stores. They are in high demand, but store bought deodorizers are not necessary. I prefer natural ways to deodorize my house. Sprays, gels and even candles can be quite expensive, and many are ineffective. They do not get rid of bad odors. They simply cover them up. If the house smells like fried fish and lemon scented deodorizer is added to the mix, the house will smell like fish and lemons. Opt for natural options instead. They are cheaper and they completely get rid of bad odors.

Make Clove and Orange Pomanders to Deodorize Closets and Cabinets

Cloves and natural orange oil provide a fantastic natural way to deodorize closets, cabinets and even drawers. When the source of a household odor comes from an enclosed area, the problem can be solved. Solve water and moisture problems first, and make clove and orange pomanders to deodorize drawers, cabinets and closets. They smell better than any deodorizers that I have found in stores.

Begin by sticking whole cloves into fresh oranges either randomly or in a pattern, and hang them by ribbons or natural jute twine. They will work to deodorize the space for weeks or months on end. The natural orange oil and pungent cloves will continue working, even after the fruit begins to shrivel. The orange oil will become more concentrated as it seeps through the skin of the fruit. Natural is always better!

Set Out a Pretty Container of White Vinegar

White vinegar is cheap, and it is by far the best natural odor neutralizer available for the house. Partially fill a pretty container with white vinegar, and keep it open when preparing and serving pungent foods. It will deodorize the room and neutralize the smell in a safe and natural way.

Simmer Lemon Slices, Cloves and Cinnamon Sticks

One of my favorite ways to deodorize the house is with natural lemons, cloves and cinnamon sticks. I buy lemons for making real lemonade and iced tea, and I always have extras. Instead of letting them slowly rot in a basket, I slice the lemons and simmer them along with whole cloves and cinnamon sticks. The entire house smells great when simmering lemon slices, cloves and cinnamon, and like the other natural solutions, the price cannot be beat.

Source: Personal Experience

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