Nature and Heritage Tourism Center, White Springs, Florida

Is there a trip to Florida in your future? Will your route take you down I-75 or across I-10? If your answer is yes, you may want to schedule a stop in White Springs off exit 84 of I-75 or exit 43 off I-10. At the corner of Highway 136 and U.S. Highway 41, you will find the Florida Nature and Heritage Tourism Center and a wealth of information.

Nature lover? History Buff? Hungry for a look at The Real FloridaSM? This center is just for you. The Florida Nature and Heritage Tourism Center sits on the banks of the Suwannee River, awaiting your arrival. The facility is a one-stop information center showcasing nature-based, cultural and historic venues and events throughout Florida. You will find exhibits, kiosks, videos and brochures offering resources and ideas for hiking, bicycling, canoeing, birding, museums and more. The Florida Nature and Heritage Tourism Center also offers computers so that visitors may look up directions, locate specific destination information and book tours or reservations across the state. Be sure to look around for material offering free passes good for entry into Florida State Parks.

But wait! There is more. The White Springs area was considered by native tribes to be a sacred healing ground. Natives and later Europeans came to bathe in and drink the mineral waters. The area was one of Florida’s first tourist attractions. The purported healing waters of the sulfur springs attracted many, in the early 1800’s, seeking a cure for a variety of ailments. This attention and visitation exploded tourism growth for the sleeping little town and by the late 1800’s there were 14 luxury hotels in the area.

White Springs is rich in history and is surrounded by thousands of acres of public lands.
The Historic District of White Springs, with 88 contributing structures, was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977. You will find crafts, folk art and antique shops. For those who love the outdoors, take advantage of the hiking, canoeing, kayaking, bicycling trails, campgrounds, fishing, hunting and birding in the area, before you leave. While in White Springs, you may also want to stop by the Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park and Big Shoals State Park.

Stop by the Nature and Heritage Tourism Center, sit a spell and drink in the natural world of the Suwannee River Valley. You may be surprised just how much natural world is waiting for you, once you step inside.


P.O. Box 849
White Springs, Florida 32096

Contact Information:

Phone – 386-397-4461
Web –

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