Never Lose Track of Your Child with New Monitoring System Bracelets

Whether you run a day-care program, or you simply want to make your own children as safe as possible, you’ll lessen any worries considerably by investing in one of technology’s new monitoring systems.

The systems allows parents, grandparents, guardians or caretaker to immediately locate their children using state-of-the-art technology advances. The parent or guardian can be inside the house while monitoring children outside, or vice-versa. Not only will these systems help prevent deviancy, they are perfect for kids – or adults – with special needs.

The user of the device sets the ranges and then carries or sets the portable base unit within a near distance. The devices work at about 200 to 500 foot ranges and have different modes for locating or just “babysitting”. Areas with lots of buildings or greenery will not have the range of bare areas with few obstructions.

An adjustable wristband is placed on the child or adult. If the bracelet is removed by anyone an alarm will sound on the base unit. The bracelets can be monitored all at once or one or more children can be removed from the monitoring, temporarily, by the push of a button. This is great for allowing children to travel with a friend, without removing the bracelet.

The devices use a point-to-point wireless communications system, rather than cell towers or satellites. This prevents rainy days or cloudy skies from halting the monitoring. And, good-quality systems change the transmission frequency and ID info constantly, to keep others from monitoring a particular child’s wrist band.

The base will signal if the band is tampered with, if a child leaves the safety perimeter, and also has a feature that allows you to call all band wearers home. A key allows the user to “unlock” the wrist bands and remove.

The systems generally come with a base unit, one bracelet, one charger, one key and the manual. Extra bracelets are usually sold separately. For people whom the bracelets will not fit, there are similar devices that can be placed into a person’s pocket or fastened onto clothing.

It’s a sad world we live in, where children aren’t safe, but it’s a simple fact of life. Protect your kids by investing in one of these systems. They’re not cheap, but they’re well worth the money, and will give you peace of mind.

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